Units wishlist of further DLC of Elves/LizardmanNorsca/TK/CD/Slaanesh

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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 11:43:08 AM

Hi, guys, this thread includes my personal wishlist and speculation on 8 races future DLC units, sorry to say that some races may be the same or mostly similar to other threads in forum before, trying my best to be lore-friendly, some also to be good materials of RoRs, maybe a fair counting list of  those units still missing. Regarding Grand Cathay and Kislev, they need massive OG designs from GW & CA. 

Pleased to hear your comments below


PS: For incarnate elemental of fire, it is possibly fit HE due to "Flame of Asuryan" or "Caradryan" who is incarnate of Aqshy in ET;


DARK ELF.jpgPS: Manticore Lords similar to Hippogryph Knights

WOOD ELVES:WE.jpgPS: Wood Elf need some Hybrid Infantry

SLAANESH:SLAANESH.jpgPS: still wanna a Heavy Armor Knights similar to Rot Knights

NORSCA:NORSCA.jpgPS: wanna Mongol bow and crossbow Mounted archers

CHAOS DWARF:CD.jpgPS: wanna Kollossus as large SEM to CD for anti-infantry

TOMB KINGSTK.jpgPS: more constructs please, and please restore healing magic to Constructs

LIZARDMEN:LIZARDMEN.jpgPS: more and more Dinosaurs

-31st/Jan -- In addtion, self just made a possible units list for VC as appendix:

VC.jpg-10th/Feb -- a possible units list for BRETONNIA as appendix II:

Updated 8 days ago.
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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 1:50:22 PM

Tomb Kings Pack

LL: Sehenesmet/Ramhotep

LH: Apophas

L: Liche High Priest

L: Arch Necrotect


Bone Thrower

Bone Dragon

Khemric Titan

Slaanesh Pack

LL: Dechala the Denied One

LH: Vandred the Majestic

L: Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh

H: Exalted Hero of Slaanesh

Pleasureseekers (Daemonettes on Serpents of Slaanesh)

Painseekers (Chaos Knights of Slaanesh on Serpents of Slaanesh)

Centigors of Slaanesh

Spined Chaos Beast/Basilisk

FLL: Masque of Slaanesh

Norsca Pack

LL: Sayl the Faithless

LH: Beorg Bearstruck
L: Fimir Matriarch
H: Dark Emissary(Shaman-Sorcerers become Lords)
Hung Archers
Hung Horse Archers
Chaos Ogres
Chaos Fenbeast
Curs’d Ettin

Chaos Dwarfs

LL: Ghorth the Cruel

LH: Tordrek Hackhart

L: Bull Centaur Lord

H: Hobgoblin Big Boss


Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower

Siege Giant

Magma Dragon

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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 4:25:05 PM

I like everything except Wood elves (don't need a DLC) and Khuresh units for Slaanesh. 

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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 5:41:31 PM

I will just name the units I wish for the most for my top three favourite races: 

High Elves 

  • Lothern Skycutter variants 
  • Merwyrm
  • Emperor Dragon 
  • Guardians 

Dark Elves 

  • Statue of Khaine
  • Rephallim
  • City Guard

Wood Elves 

  • Spites

Eh, let it be two more:


  • Questing Beast
  • Sons of Bretonnia
  • Naiads


  • Thunder Lizard
  • Arcanadon
  • Great Wyrm
Updated 22 days ago.
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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 6:38:15 PM


- Aislinn

- Korhil 

- Caradryan (FLC)

- Anointed of Asuryan

- Seahelm 

- Merwyrm 

- Lothern Skycutter

- Ships Company 

- Lothern Sea Rangers 

- Storm Weavers 


- Tullaris 

- Shadowblade 

- Kouran 

- Hag Queen Lord 

- Magma Dragon 

- Statues of Khaine 

- Pagowyrm/ Sea Dragon 

- Manticore Riders 

- Disciples of Khaine 


- Tetto

- Chakax

- Skink High Priest 

- Priest of Sotek

- Arkanodon 

- Great Wyrm 

- Spikeydeathosaur / Skink Archers

- Culchan Riders 

- Skink Cold One Riders 


- Sayl

- Nightmaw (Sayls unique LH) 

- Beorg 

- Victi Lord 

- Fimir Noble

- Curs’d Ettin 

- Dreadmaw 

- Chaos Ogres 

- Flayerkin 

- Chaos Siege Giant 


- Araloth 

- Wychwhetyl

- Scarloc 

- Shadowdancer 

- Ranged Treeman 

- Forest Wildcats 

- Glade Chariots 

- Shapeshifters 

- Eternal Wardens 


- Ramhotep / Sehenesmet

- Apophas 

- Nekhap (Skulls FLC)

- Lich Priest Lors 

- Herald 

- Khemric Titan 

- Melee Bone Giant 

- Bastheti

- Royal Chariots 

- Ushapti Great Weapons 

Updated 22 days ago.
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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 7:31:24 PM

franklinsf#6039 wrote:

Hi, guys, this thread includes my personal wishlist and speculation on 8 races future DLC units, sorry to say that some races may be the same or mostly similar to other threads in forum before, trying my best to be lore-friendly, some also to be good materials of RoRs, maybe a fair counting list of  those units still missing. Regarding Grand Cathay and Kislev, they need massive OG designs from GW & CA. 

Pleased to hear your comments below

HIGH ELVES:HIGH ELF.jpgPS: For incarnate elemental of fire, it is possibly fit HE due to "Flame of Asuryan" or "Caradryan" who is incarnate of Aqshy in ET;


DARK ELF.jpgPS: Manticore Lords similar to Hippogryph Knights

WOOD ELVES:WOOD ELF.jpgPS: Wood Elf need some Hybrid Infantry

SLAANESH:SLAANESH.jpgPS: still wanna a Heavy Armor Knights similar to Rot Knights

NORSCA:NORSCA.jpgPS: wanna Mongol bow and crossbow Mounted archers

CHAOS DWARF:CD.jpgPS: wanna Kollossus as large SEM to CD for anti-infantry

TOMB KINGSTK.jpgPS: more constructs please, and please restore healing magic to Constructs

LIZARDMEN:LIZARDMEN.jpgPS: more and more Dinosaurs

I don´t agree with wood elves.

Horned hunters


Incarnate elemental of life




Long range treemen

For Slaanesh:


Devoted of Slaanesh

Anointed of Slaanesh

Both variants of the snake cavalry

For the big monster there are several options, I personally like a concept art from Liber Chaotica that has no name.

For Norsca:

(The ymir don´t seem to fit them, they should go to beastmen)


Fianna Fimm

The other options are good too

The Incarnate elemental of death should go for the dark elves and the vampire counts. I don´t know if Tomb kings should have them too.

Tomb kings should get mummys too.

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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 7:49:50 PM
The magma dragon should be for the dark elves, not the chaos dwarfs. As far as I know chaos dwarfs only kill them, they do not use them in combat.

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22 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 10:46:31 PM

Variants for Monogors


Tzaangors (Axe and Shield) => (Sword and Shield)
Tzaangors (Halberds)
Tzaangors (Bows)
Bray Shaman of Tzeentch (Lore of Tzeentch and Beasts)

Pestigors (Axe and Shield)
Pestigors (Great Weapons)
Pestigors (Throwing Axes)
Bray Shaman of Nurgle (Lore of Nurgle and Beasts)

Khorngors (Duel Axes)
Khorngors (Halberds)
Khorngors (Great Weapons)
Gorebull of Khorne

Slaangors (Duel Swords)
Slaangors (Spear and Shield)
Slaangors (Javelins)
Bray Shaman of Slaanesh (Lore of Slaanesh and Beasts)

Sorcerous Trolls, Lava Trolls, and all remaining Troll types to be added for Throgg

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21 days ago
Jan 27, 2025, 11:51:00 PM

ByPiros#6333 wrote:
The magma dragon should be for the dark elves, not the chaos dwarfs. As far as I know chaos dwarfs only kill them, they do not use them in combat.

The only evidence that DEs use them is that one picture on the cover of the MA.

Magma Dragons don't have Kinship with any Race.  Which means there's no Race that uses them regularly.

CA just has to pick a Race for it.  It's Native to both Dark Lands and Naggaroth, but as a lava monster, it's more thematic to the CDs.

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21 days ago
Jan 28, 2025, 6:20:15 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

The only evidence that DEs use them is that one picture on the cover of the MA.

And that’s more than we have for the Chaos Dwarfs. DE are known for catching large monsters and using them in battle. CD not so much… 

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21 days ago
Jan 28, 2025, 6:57:40 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
DE are known for catching large monsters and using them in battle. CD not so much… 

You should probably look at the CD roster again and...maybe scroll down to the section that says "Monsters".

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21 days ago
Jan 28, 2025, 7:54:02 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
DE are known for catching large monsters and using them in battle. CD not so much… 

You should probably look at the CD roster again and...maybe scroll down to the section that says "Monsters".

Ah yes you mean the creatures that are basically magical manifestations of Hashut? 

CD would obviously still get the Magma Dragon, but adding it via the DE just makes more sense. 

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21 days ago
Jan 28, 2025, 8:40:14 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
And that’s more than we have for the Chaos Dwarfs. DE are known for catching large monsters and using them in battle. CD not so much… 

To be fair:


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20 days ago
Jan 29, 2025, 1:42:19 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Tomb Kings Pack

LL: Sehenesmet/Ramhotep

LH: Apophas

L: Liche High Priest

L: Arch Necrotect


Bone Thrower

Bone Dragon

Khemric Titan

Slaanesh Pack

LL: Dechala the Denied One

LH: Vandred the Majestic

L: Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh

H: Exalted Hero of Slaanesh

Pleasureseekers (Daemonettes on Serpents of Slaanesh)

Painseekers (Chaos Knights of Slaanesh on Serpents of Slaanesh)

Centigors of Slaanesh

Spined Chaos Beast/Basilisk

FLL: Masque of Slaanesh

Norsca Pack

LL: Sayl the Faithless

LH: Beorg Bearstruck
L: Fimir Matriarch
H: Dark Emissary(Shaman-Sorcerers become Lords)
Hung Archers
Hung Horse Archers
Chaos Ogres
Chaos Fenbeast
Curs’d Ettin

Chaos Dwarfs

LL: Ghorth the Cruel

LH: Tordrek Hackhart

L: Bull Centaur Lord

H: Hobgoblin Big Boss


Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower

Siege Giant

Magma Dragon

Ghorth would just be discount Drazhoath.

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20 days ago
Jan 29, 2025, 3:34:28 PM

General_Hijalti#1213 wrote:
Ghorth would just be discount Drazhoath.

Prolly.  He's still my pick though unless CA gets the greenlight to make up a Bull Centaur LL.

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18 days ago
Jan 31, 2025, 1:42:25 AM

Loreguy#1056 wrote:

Great list. But there is one unit missing.

Mighty and glorious...

image loaded from url... Dawi Zharr Arse Cannon!

*sigh* What am I looking at? 

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18 days ago
Jan 31, 2025, 7:10:50 AM
hey folks, today will re-attach one photo of Naiad to WE, ooops I forgot before...

meantime, will upgrade HE units (adding SEA ELEMENTAL -- "SEA ELEMENTAL forms when a sufficent quantity of Ghyran concentrates in a marine environment to animated the water itself". So considering both of SEA FACTOR and GHYRAN FACTOR, HE would be suitable.
Then provide one VC possible unitis list as an appendix.
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18 days ago
Jan 31, 2025, 7:27:22 AM

Funzo#7954 wrote:

Loreguy#1056 wrote:

Great list. But there is one unit missing.

Mighty and glorious...

image loaded from url... Dawi Zharr Arse Cannon!

*sigh* What am I looking at? 

Wild 80ies.

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18 days ago
Jan 31, 2025, 9:30:41 AM

High Elves: Aislin is almost certainly coming, so I'll just go 'Gimme Chrace as a faction.'.
Wood Elves: Plenty of Choices, but I think Laurelorn should be added as a faction, they have unique lore, unique units, and unique (If underutilized.) characters. They probably can even get mechanics tied to being within the Empire's Borders.
Dark Elves: I dunno, maybe some of their weirder stuff. Maybe Dijin Katal who is a Renegade Dark Elf Assassin in Lustria. Maybe make him a faction that involves him rebelling against Malekith. Syrillia (Dark Elf Necromancer).
Lizardmen: Kremlo That is a Lizardmen/Norsca Hybrid Faction. Ok for real, I don't have anything to add here.
Norsca: Order of the Winter Throne Faction (Non-Chaos Norscans basically. Maybe even a Norsca/Empire Faction.), Fimir Faction with Fmir LL, Cursed Ettin LL, etc. Also Maybe Kremlo.
Tomb Kings: Rhupesh VII, also need Dust Goblin Units. Maybe even go full crazy and invent a Dust Goblin LL.
Vampire Counts: Omdra the Dread (Nightmare Dragon that is also a Necromancer with Crypt Ghoul Followers.), The Halfling Konrad von Carstein turned into a Vampire, Honorio as a LL (Complete with his faction The Order of Eternal Night and Silence.), Syrillia (Dark Elf Necromancer.).
Chaos Dwarfs: 'Shrug' Bull Centaur LL.
Slaanesh: Nothing that hasn't already been suggested.

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