What kind of DLCs for TWW 3 can be made to complete the game

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 12:15:27 AM

​Knowing that there is a lot of talk about those plums where the last one will be the End Times DLC with Nagash and Neferata, but also wondering...who should be added in terms of LL DLCs to make the game feel like it's finished? If CA isn't complete without Neferata, Nagash, Tankuol, Glotkin, Boris, Monkey King, who should have been added to finish off Total war Warhammer 3?

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 3:59:09 AM

7.0 Slaanesh(Dechala) + HEs(Aislinn) + DEs(Tullaris)
8.0 Dogs of War(Borgio + Lucrezzia + Marco + Lietpold)
9.0 Vampire Bloodlines(Walach + Neferata + Zacharias + Ushoran)
10.0 Norsca(Sayl) + Cathay(MK) + Skaven(Thanquol)
11.0 Undead Legions(Nagash) + TKs(Sehenesmet) + VCoast(Zheng Shih)
12.0 BM(Ghorros) + Bretonnia(Bohemond) + WEs(Araloth)
13.0 Empire(Emil Valgeir) + Cathay(Yin-Yin) + LM(Tetto'eko)
14+ Character Packs!

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 4:19:45 AM

The last years... I hate your threads, Safiron, because you always seem to post threads about rush all content sacrificing future

That's not realist because still exist demand to continue doing dlcs, and I don't think we should talk about being conformist rushing to end, no thanks

My wishlist is too large to talk about be content with just a small number of dlcs, this game could continue having content for 8 more years if people still demanding

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 5:15:36 AM

I could easily see another separate Cathay and Kislev DLC before Dogs of War, then do another round of DLCs involving Game 3 base factions before doing something with Nagash.  That would put each Monogod faction at 4 LLs each with Cathay and Kislev sitting at 6'ish depending on how they do FLC LLs.  Each Undead race gets a more focused update, with the Nagash one tying them all together.

Moving forward one race gets a desperately needed major rework, one gets a medium effort, and the final just some small balance updates.  By the 2nd round of Monogod factions all of Game 3 races should be in a pretty good state, allowing CA to focus harder on the ones that need it.  Puts all core Game 3 races at 7 or more LLs, which is fine as they are generally more 'global' powers.  Same argument could be made for Greenskins too.  Empire could also get a few more in, due to popularity (help sales) and having already gotten their rework.  Pre-Dogs of War opens up Ind, with post-Dogs of War opening Kuresh/not-Korea/Elithis.

So:1st '25: Courts of Obsession - Slaanesh (Dechala) + FLC (Masque)/High Elves (Aislinn)/Vampire Counts (Neferata)

2nd '25: Mandate of Heaven - Cathay (If Slaanesh LL ends up being Dechala and opens up Ind, Monkey King is a natural follow up with Li Dao as FLC)/Norsca (Kurgan/Hung)/some other faction near Cathay that needs love but not to the extent of Norsca

1st '26: Warriors of Faith - Kislev (who knows lol)/Empire (Emil Valgier with Cult of Ulric and FLC Valten)/???

2nd '26: Dogs of War

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 9:49:21 AM

vacrovic#2468 wrote:

I could easily see another separate Cathay and Kislev DLC before Dogs of War, then do another round of DLCs involving Game 3 base factions before doing something with Nagash.  That would put each Monogod faction at 4 LLs each with Cathay and Kislev sitting at 6'ish depending on how they do FLC LLs.  Each Undead race gets a more focused update, with the Nagash one tying them all together.

Moving forward one race gets a desperately needed major rework, one gets a medium effort, and the final just some small balance updates.  By the 2nd round of Monogod factions all of Game 3 races should be in a pretty good state, allowing CA to focus harder on the ones that need it.  Puts all core Game 3 races at 7 or more LLs, which is fine as they are generally more 'global' powers.  Same argument could be made for Greenskins too.  Empire could also get a few more in, due to popularity (help sales) and having already gotten their rework.  Pre-Dogs of War opens up Ind, with post-Dogs of War opening Kuresh/not-Korea/Elithis.

So:1st '25: Courts of Obsession - Slaanesh (Dechala) + FLC (Masque)/High Elves (Aislinn)/Vampire Counts (Neferata)

2nd '25: Mandate of Heaven - Cathay (If Slaanesh LL ends up being Dechala and opens up Ind, Monkey King is a natural follow up with Li Dao as FLC)/Norsca (Kurgan/Hung)/some other faction near Cathay that needs love but not to the extent of Norsca

1st '26: Warriors of Faith - Kislev (who knows lol)/Empire (Emil Valgier with Cult of Ulric and FLC Valten)/???

2nd '26: Dogs of War

I hate to break it to you, but there is a very slim chance that Khorne or Slaanesh get another round of DLC. They are already struggling to cobble enough units to fill out the most recent Khorne DLC. People on reddit, discord, and the forums are still trying to figure out what Slaanesh is going to have because there simply is nothing left. I would add Tzeentch to that list, but CA said Egrimm will eventually happen so in my opinion Tzeentch is the second most likely behind Nurgle. I hope I'm wrong, but there is a lot other races still need.

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 10:12:43 AM

CA actually never said that Engrimm will happen. That was just fanfic extrapolation. If he arrives, it will probably be just a free-LC tied to a larger DLC, because there's simply no content left. This is also true for quite a few factions listed there. What are the units left for Vampires for example? Or for the Dark Elves and Brettonia? Just a few variants and the only unique unit remaining is literally a bunch of ghosts hugging each other. Not premium material really, to use CA's vocabulary. CA's DLCs are already suffering a bit, because they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel; Orcs in OoD and basically every faction featured in SoC is a typical example of the lack of available content.

In my opinion, the only factions with some potential are Cathay, High Elves, Slaanesh, Norsca, Empire, Lizzardmen and Skaven. And for some of them, it's stretching it.

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 10:39:02 AM

- Slaanesh x HE x DE

- DoW

- Bloodlines + Nagash 

- Norsca x Cathay x TK

- Skaven x Kislev x Empire

- BM x WE x Cathay 

- Tzeentch x Empire x LM

- Nurgle x Cathay x Bretonnia

- Character Pack

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 12:37:12 PM

Ekix#9944 wrote:

The last years... I hate your threads, Safiron, because you always seem to post threads about rush all content sacrificing future

That's not realist because still exist demand to continue doing dlcs, and I don't think we should talk about being conformist rushing to end, no thanks

My wishlist is too large to talk about be content with just a small number of dlcs, this game could continue having content for 8 more years if people still demanding

Dude, I'm not rushing content to sacrifice the future. I'm interested in what people could and would realistically want in addition to the above after Slaanesh. I myself would be happy to have more content and richer content compared to past installments. But at the same time I realize that not everyone can fit as much because there are important and interesting and there are not very interesting characters to add. The same can be said about vampires, I would also be happy if they make them in the style of Champions of Chaos! But looking at all the editions of Vampires...then in fact there is not so much left, that most likely will be enough one DLC with very good revisions, with the rest of the units, lords, heroes and Red Duke as LL. Exactly the same can be said for Tomb Kings, and Vampire Coast will most likely be allotted if not a minor patch then at least a lord pack with a handful of new units. Not to mention Nagash who needs to actually come up with a small new roster. Or take the Dwarves, for I would like to see Lord Engineer and the rest of the Lords if you look at the 8 editions. And I would be happy to see Ghark Ironshkur, he looks too stylish to pass up. So I created this thread to discuss how many we would like to see so we can complete the last part of the trilogy.

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 12:53:38 PM

To be realistic


Vampire Counts focused DLC in Champions of Chaos format

Slanees + 2 races (Norsca, Skaven) DLC in Thronnes of Decay format

Lizardman update 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 1:00:47 PM

Sheikh_Nimr#9382 wrote:
because there's simply no content left

There is content left, but I doubt that CA will use it.

lotor12#3783 wrote:

To be realistic


Vampire Counts focused DLC in Champions of Chaos format


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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 5:02:01 PM

As for "complete" the game, you're never going to "complete" it. The Warhammer world is simply too big to do that unless TW3 goes for like another 20 years, which even the people who think the game has a lot of life left aren't naïve enough to think that. Not to mention that "completed" will mean something different to everyone. Completed to me would probably be something like

Beastmen: Ghorros LL, Ungrol LL, Moonclaw LH

Bretonnia: Bertrand LL, Mallobaude LL, Hugo and Gros LH

Chaos Dwarfs: Tordrek LL, Bull Centaur LL, Rykarth? LH (Rykarth could also be a lord, but with CA giving his item to Zhatan, I doubt it)

Coast: Zheng Shih LL, Vangheist LL, Skretch LH (Skretch could also be a skaven character that gives his entire roster undead, but doesn't make much sense with the coast roster)

Cathay: Yin-Yin LL, Monkey King LL, Li Dao LL, Yangsing LH

Dark Elves: Shadowblade LL/LH, Tullaris LH/LL

Dwarfs: Bugman LL/LH, Grimm LH/LL

Empire: Emil Valgier LL, Boris Todbringer LL, Luthor Huss LH

Greenskins: Gorfang LL, Gtilla LL/LH, Borgut LH (Grimgor only)

High Elves: Aislinn LL, Caradryan/Korhil LH

Kislev: Ungol Character

Lizardmen: Tetto'ekko LL, Chakax LH

Norsca: Adella LL, Sayl LL, Egil LL, Beorg LH

Nurgle: Gutrot LL, Glottkin LL, Maggot riders LH

Ogres: Ghark LL, Braugh LL/LH

Skaven: Thanquol LL, Skreech LL/LH

Slaanesh: Dechala LL, Masque LL, Styrkar/Vandred LH

Tomb Kings: Sehensemet LL, Ramhotep/Tutankhanut LL, Apophas LH
Tzeentch: Egrimm LL, Galrauch LL, Melekh LH (Or Aekold changed into a LL, and Galrauch a LH)

Vampire Counts: Neferata LL, Zacharias LL, Ushoran LL, Walach/Red Duke LL, Konrad/Aborash LH

Wood Elves: Naieth LL, Araloth LL, Amadri/Wychwethyl/Gruath/Scarloc LH (Any would work)

Dogs of War


Comes out to be about 8 (9 with Nagash) dlc with a few Drycha style flc characters if you own previous dlcs (so 4.5 years of content). Unlikely, but not impossible

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 5:07:26 PM

One I really hope we get is a vamp count DLC that adds campaign mechanics for how they fit in and around the empire.

So manipulation, control. Say if a empire faction is friendly enough with you as vamp counts, Karl and other LL cannot confederate.

Something similar to under cities, focusing on influence and manipulation of foreign territories and spawning undead armies in far off lands that you sent a hero to by way of using a building chain in other territories (similar to skaven stuff, but a bit more to it).

Less about building armies to maintain, more about pop up armies that get thrown away after a short while.

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 6:10:43 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
Completed to me would probably be something like

Really good list overall, though I don't agree with all your choices as to who gets to be a LL/LH.  And Nagash is obviously a glaring omission.

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 7:07:18 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
Completed to me would probably be something like

Really good list overall, though I don't agree with all your choices as to who gets to be a LL/LH.  And Nagash is obviously a glaring omission.

I forgot Nagash 0_0

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 8:11:07 PM

I don’t think CA design the game in that way, as in they create a DLC to specifically finish the series. The last DLC will be the DLC that has preceded 2 poor selling DLCs and CA accept it’s over in terms of effort in relation to profit.

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 8:48:41 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
Completed to me would probably be something like

Really good list overall, though I don't agree with all your choices as to who gets to be a LL/LH.  And Nagash is obviously a glaring omission.

I forgot Nagash 0_0

And Nagash in turn should have its own unique race of Undead Legions.

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 9:01:52 PM

Sabor444#1932 wrote:
I hate to break it to you, but there is a very slim chance that Khorne or Slaanesh get another round of DLC. They are already struggling to cobble enough units to fill out the most recent Khorne DLC. People on reddit, discord, and the forums are still trying to figure out what Slaanesh is going to have because there simply is nothing left. I would add Tzeentch to that list, but CA said Egrimm will eventually happen so in my opinion Tzeentch is the second most likely behind Nurgle. I hope I'm wrong, but there is a lot other races still need.

They can and have been creative, and if for instance Nurgle gets a second DLC while the others do not we all know there will be ceaseless complaining.  We've also seen that if CA tries to do too much reworking the results often disappoint certain LLs (ToD and Volkmar) or require numerous post-rework adjustments to make less onerous (ToD and Dwarves, specifically the Deeps).  The power-creep has been real, and a lot of older races need the touch-up.  My fear is that CA will try to do too many reworks as quickly as possible, leading to even more imbalance/uneven campaigns.  I would prefer just one major rework per DLC with each LL given a good long look to make each a vary different experience aside from the shared roster, with the other two factions being being smaller in scale due to having more recent reworks.

It's why the 2nd of my proposed DLCs have Cathay (minor tweaks) and Norsca (major tweaks), with the third being something that could use some middle range love.  Heck, it could even be Empire again with Kurt Helborg and the Knight Orders (varied powers, different uses, limited recruitment) and set up how Dogs of War works out.  Only this time Volkmar gets a bit more attention than he did in ToD, with a Gelt-level campaign.

I also feel like diversity of factions is important, as Omens lack of an Order race seems to have hurt it.

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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 8:01:55 AM

Sheikh_Nimr#9382 wrote:

CA actually never said that Engrimm will happen. That was just fanfic extrapolation. If he arrives, it will probably be just a free-LC tied to a larger DLC, because there's simply no content left. This is also true for quite a few factions listed there. What are the units left for Vampires for example? Or for the Dark Elves and Brettonia? Just a few variants and the only unique unit remaining is literally a bunch of ghosts hugging each other. Not premium material really, to use CA's vocabulary. CA's DLCs are already suffering a bit, because they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel; Orcs in OoD and basically every faction featured in SoC is a typical example of the lack of available content.

In my opinion, the only factions with some potential are Cathay, High Elves, Slaanesh, Norsca, Empire, Lizzardmen and Skaven. And for some of them, it's stretching it.

I'm surprised that you'd list the Lizardmen over the Vampire Counts, for example - while the lizards were the faction I devoted the most time to in TT, I'm not going to deny that they don't have a lot left to add. There's... what? The arcanodon, which only appeared in a supplement, never had a model, and had its role entirely taken on by the ancient stegadon in the very next edition? Skinks with bows and skink cold one riders from 5th edition, both of which were quickly phased out as the roster gained a more individual identity, and which would be mere unit variants in any case? Culchan riders, which haven't appeared in WHFB since *2nd* edition? The thunder lizard, which was nothing more than a footnote without rules? The lizards absolutely need a huge rework, but I don't see why this would need to come with DLC.

By contrast, the vamps are still waiting for... yes, spirit hosts, which you mentioned, sure. There's the coven throne, which is only really a variant in the sense that the slaughterbrute is a variant of the mutalith vortex beast - same basic frame, but with a lot of individual modelling. There's the abyssal terror, which, while ordinarily only a mount option, is unique and iconic and once received a ruleset for implementation minus its rider. There's the likes of simulacra and tomb stalkers, which had rules in White Dwarf. And then there's a huge variety of other possible units with attestations as strong as or stronger than the likes of the thunder lizard. In TWWH, the vamps currently have a tiny standard unit roster, only two thirds of the size of that of the lizards, and they too need a rework - the bloodlines rework they received in TWWH2 is extremely rough around the edges.

Not to pick on you specifically, but it often feels like there's a weird double standard applied in relation to different rosters - for factions like the lizardmen, folks assume viability of DLC on the basis of units from extremely early editions, superseded unit variants, and units created solely from lore, while for other factions, similar or better-supported options are dismissed as barrel-scraping or insufficient. It may seem weird that I'm advocating for a faction I care less about here; I've completed numerous lizardmen campaigns but have never made it all the way through a vampire counts campaign - as far as I'm concerned, the lizards already have enough to make me want to come back again and again, while I'm still waiting for the vampire counts to have the content to keep me interested.

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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 8:56:44 AM

Sheikh_Nimr#9382 wrote:

CA actually never said that Engrimm will happen. That was just fanfic extrapolation. If he arrives, it will probably be just a free-LC tied to a larger DLC, because there's simply no content left. This is also true for quite a few factions listed there. What are the units left for Vampires for example? Or for the Dark Elves and Brettonia? Just a few variants and the only unique unit remaining is literally a bunch of ghosts hugging each other. Not premium material really, to use CA's vocabulary. CA's DLCs are already suffering a bit, because they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel; Orcs in OoD and basically every faction featured in SoC is a typical example of the lack of available content.

In my opinion, the only factions with some potential are Cathay, High Elves, Slaanesh, Norsca, Empire, Lizzardmen and Skaven. And for some of them, it's stretching it.

How are you gonna talk about Vampires not having any units left, then namedrop LIZARDMEN of all factions as able to get a DLC ?

Vampires at least have 2 mounts and 2 ET units left. That's enough for a regular LP. Meanwhile Lizardmen have their entire armybook plus supplements.

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