Suggestions to Make the Greenskins' Waaagh! More User-Friendly

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a month ago
Jan 11, 2025, 5:19:03 PM

When playing as the Greenskins, I often feel that the Waaagh! doesn’t meet my expectations.

  1. It slows down the army: The mechanics of the Waaagh! hinder army movement.
  2. It takes too long: Waiting 20 turns to complete a single Waaagh! feels excessive. After capturing a settlement, the remaining time is often spent focusing on defense, which doesn’t align with the aggressive nature of the Greenskins.
  3. Post-WAAAGH penalty: After the Waaagh! ends, construction costs increase. This is particularly disappointing because when I finally unlock the Dwarfen construction cost reduction reward after waiting 20 turns, I still have to wait several more turns before I can start building efficiently.

I have two types of changes in mind. The first one is simple: reduce the duration of WAAAGH to 10 turns.

The second change is more complex: designing a mechanism to immediately end the current WAAAGH. Once the target's capital is successfully captured, you could press a button to grant the enemy enhancements and heal their wounded lords. In return, the WAAAGH would end in 3 turns, and you would receive the rewards. The enemy’s enhancements would also expire at that time.

Shortening the duration of Waaagh! offers the following benefits:

  1. Allows movement-boosting technologies and abilities to shine: Currently, armies with Waaagh! have their movement range capped at 100, which wastes the bonuses provided by movement-boosting technologies and abilities. Shorter Waaagh! durations would make these upgrades more impactful.
  2. Reduces reliance on Waaagh! armies: This encourages a more precise evaluation of the campaign experience for the core Greenskin armies.
  3. Provides more rewards and choices: Players will have access to more frequent rewards, giving them greater flexibility and options.

Regardless of which changes are implemented, I hope the penalty to construction costs can be removed. This particular aspect significantly slows my progress and makes the gameplay experience especially frustrating.

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a month ago
Jan 11, 2025, 6:10:07 PM

I doubt they’ll change it now but year I agree they’re not ideal atm. 20 turns feels way too long and often you can’t even select a top 10 faction to attack. 

The rewards for factions outside the top 10 are pretty meh unless you go for the money & scrap… which also feels like a bit of a meh bonus for a waagh you waited 20 turns for

You also can’t select the skaven as your waagh target unless you can ‘see’ their capital 

The movement penalty is a pain in the butt and feels like at times it completely offsets the benefit of the waagh army

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a month ago
Jan 11, 2025, 6:36:27 PM

you should have a timer which is 20 turns to capture but once captured, if you hold on to the capital for 5 turns the waagh ends

But there’s a lot of simple things they can do to make the GS better. SOBB is the obvious one but gitilla would be another good addition to make wolf riders better 

Giving minor mechanics to the other GS LLs and wolf/ boar chariot mounts is another easy improvement.

Hopefully they have another crack at the GS on 6.1 because it really feels like they ran out of time and shafted them for 6.0

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a month ago
Jan 11, 2025, 6:43:02 PM

The movement penalty is supposed to be a balancing tool for calling a Waaagh, it should definitely stay. It’s supposed to be an unruly hard to control horde. That being said I do think Waaaghs should end when the target is captured. 

The construction cost penalty could probably go away, but there really should be a factionwide income penalty while in the middle of a Waaagh to represent Orcs all being busy fighting. Waaagh army sizes, build-up speed, and quality should also be based on the number of regions you control and the availability of recruitment.

Other nitpicks are that Reputation should definitely decrease when losing battles/settlements or when rebellions occur. If your Reputation remains low for long enough then Tribal Leaders you’ve confederated should have a chance to break off and challenge you. Likewise, if you ever fail a Call to Waaagh there should be a higher chance of that happening.

The Greenskins currently reflect the snowball element of their lore, but do a very poor job reflecting how prone they are to splintering off as infighting occurs.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 22, 2025, 4:03:50 PM

​I think 10 turns is a good choice. 

If you play well, you can earn rewards faster than the Dwarfs. If you play poorly, you'll get rewards slower than Dwarfs. 

If your performance is average, your reward cycle will be about the same as the Dwarfs.

The Dwarfs' 15-turn cycle has been carefully balanced, and it's a solid design.

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24 days ago
Jan 25, 2025, 3:13:44 AM

As a tangent, I currently use a mod which gives the Waagh! mechanic to Skaven factions, simulating the vermintide I guess.  It's fantastic because it makes Skaven truly fearsome and require tactics for me to counter: Make Skavenslaves Great Again!

The thing with this mod is when you activate it for AI Skaven rather than for yourself, somehow the AI goes beyond the programming and starts slowly replacing the 20-stack Skavenslave reinforcements with Clanrats and Stormvermin, led by a generic lord the army is not supposed to have.  So now instead of just a trashy fun mod for atmosphere, Skaven become a legit threat when they roll up with 40-stack armies composed of actual infantry.  I'm currently playing WE whose forces are by nature dispersed all over, and I need to use guerilla tactics to hold them off - When I successfully ambush, the reinforcement stack cannot help.

I've looked into the mod's code to try to limit to Skavenslaves only... I currently have no idea how the AI is recruiting the elite stacks.  The mod isn't big, and it literally only allows for Skavenslaves.  I think my game is alive.

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