General Campaign Improvements and High Elfs (HE) suggestions.

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a month ago
Jan 4, 2025, 9:19:33 PM

Hello CA! 
I am making this post in hopes that some of these suggestions can be considered in time for a HE DLC rather than 2 weeks before it releases and there is no hope what so ever lol. At the end i will suggest a ton of easy and complicated general issues that effect most factions and solutions for them that could drastically improve how the game plays. 

HE campaign mechanics- a lot of the HE mechanics are sort of passive with not much reward. Influence and easy military alliances being examples. If they got another core faction mechanic that everyone can use to replace them loosing line of sight through trade that would be much appreciated. I think a mechanic around training mages up with traits like Kislevs or a mechanic that gives access to spellmastery on their mages and ramps it up with each tier starting at 5% finishing with 30% depending on the amount of mage buildings they built or the amount of influence saved would be super cool. Another idea away from spell mastery would be some sort of military training mechanic. If HE got a mechanic similar to Warriors of chaos where they can be upgraded based off experience would be super cool. A ranger could go to white lion which could go to swordmaster or a spearmen could go to silvern to phoenix guard, a archer could go to lothern and then sister of averlorn. Reavers would go to silver helms and then be upgraded to Dragon princes. It would give the feeling of the same elfs low in number ranking up showing their martial mastery as they fight more and more and would be super welcome addition. 

HE economy- These concepts can be applied to the whole game its not just HE but their economy became extremely tedious after the changes early to WH3. Ports and income buildings take like 15 turns to return on their investment after being built tier 5 settlements take 10 turns to build and cost 18000 gold and all of the special buildings for HE and lots of other factions in the game have common problems of not being strong anymore. In WH2 it was fun tracking down these building cause they were fun and strong but in WH3 they cost 7000 gold for like 10 growth and 200 gold per turn. like morathis starting special building for example. Or Alriels tier 5 building in the center of ulthuan is 11000 gold and provides 10 growth and dispels corruption like it is not even close to being worth it. So a ton of the special buildings in the game need their prices reduced and building times reduced and powers upgraded big time. That isnt just specific to HE though that would be a lovely game wide update to start undertaking with the update team. Adjusting this will be massive for how the game feels and bring them more in line with Warriors of Chaos or Chaos Dwarfs where the game is interesting and engaging well into turn 100.  However for HE their income buildings generating more gold or their trade buildings getting some income or providing more bonuses aside from recruitment would be very nice QOL change. 

HE tech tree- This one is clearly one of the most outdated tech trees in the game. It is full of tiny 5% upkeep cost reductions or plus 4MA from beginning to end. I would love some spicey upgrades to be added towards the end like like phoenixes providing a spell mastery buff to mages for 20% when the pool has more than 15 wom saved. More suggestions would be base spell mastery added to lords and heros or even cooler swordmasters of hoeth adding spell mastery to mages being a mid to late game tech. I would also like to see immune to flanking tech for spears and phoenix guard or a tech that wouldn't allow for their MD to be decreased similar to the attack trait that was on the KH hero. Some cool early mid and late game tech upgrades to show the elfs dominance and discipline in combat through training would really spice up the tree like warriors of chaos or Chaos dwarfs or Dwarfs and empire and other game 3 factions rather than just the current one with various cost reductions or upkeep reductions. 

HE units- I have seen the new wrathmongers and doomseekers was hoping this could be applied to swordmasters of hoeth. If they could have 32 models get a silver shields then they could really be in the elite of the elite inf killer role similar to wrathmongers and would be so cool to see the elite small in number HE units. Other unit abilities that I would like to be revisited would be the phoenix wom ability. Currently it says most of them provide magic attacks but all phoenixs already have magic attacks. I mentioned it earlier but i think them providing spell mastery through a technology would be super cool and much more impactful than the current iteration. Finally i think if flame phoenixs should be reworked into 4 units rather than 1. I saw the gyro bomber reworks and it was so cool to see that unit get changed in that way i think flame phoenixs could benefit too. This would give them a completely different role from the arcane phoenix and would make their bombing role much better. I would like to think of it as a melee version of the DW gyro bomber so the models would be a bit better in melee and be able to help HE fight annoying units like screamers and hypogryph knights a little bit better. 

Finally HE lords if teclis tyrion and alriel could get the gelt and volkmar treatment just a small faction mechanic that would be soooo awesome. 

Thank you for reading this far i hope you like and consider my suggestions i have seen what you did for the greenskin rework, beastmen rework, Dwarfs rework, Warriors of chaos rework and empire rework and im so excited for it to eventually be HE turn.

This final bit will just be a general thing i think the game can work on that don't seem hard or complicated but will improve the experience massively. To start off sieges. You guys get like 10 posts a day about this so i wont go into to much detail but something i don't see anyone else say is please widen the streets and removes chunks of buildings. Biggest thing for sieges is they are tight crammy pathfinding messes and its cause they are 4 chokepoints every 20m. If the streets open up to be as wide as 2 units pathfinding will be easier and if a bunch of the buildings are removed that will create space for cav and other unit type to work for defenders and attackers. Then there will be strategic chokes to hold and open areas to fight in and wont be nearly the slog that they are now. I know it would take a while similar to the trees maps but it will be so worth it and so much less effort than all these other complex solutions pushed towards you everyday. My next suggestion is climate rework. The simplest solution is take away the negative effects you could do more but this is by far the easiest and in my mind is enough. the number 1 reason my campaigns end is because I've conquered all the green climates and there aren't more for like 10-20 turns worth of traveling like teclis for example. It becomes a slog and I'm only 20-30 turns into the campaign I haven't got any tier 5 units or had fun with any of the late game mechanics. Also when replaying factions its very limiting as you cant try new stuff. As HE i am already spending 10 turns just waiting for a settlement to be built in green climates, in yellow or red, forget it that's like 20 turns of waiting and there's more building to do after the main settlement finishes as well. This limits the sand box element if i want to use HE to go fight empire bretonia and woodelves to switch up the experience of the donut and fight in a new part of the map i am heavily punished for trying to paint the map in that direction and incentivizes me to not do it at all. 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 4, 2025, 9:26:34 PM

edit ive l have also seen sea route caravan mechanic suggested before that would also be super welcome for the faction as i love Chaos dwarfs and cathays 

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a month ago
Jan 4, 2025, 10:22:06 PM

Top priority for me is the addition of mechanics for Tyrion and Teclis, and better/reworked mechanics for Alarielle and Alith Anar, but I can't deny I'd also hope to see more uniqueness added to the race as a whole.

I made a thread on High Elf updates a few months back, but the OP is probably a bit long for it to be appropriate to copy-paste the whole thing, so I will instead link it to read for anyone who is interested:

It's been a while, but I think pretty much all of what I said there still stands.  Only a little overlap between your ideas and mine (spell mastery, climates, economy), but that's not a bad thing. :) High elf rework hype!

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a month ago
Jan 4, 2025, 10:35:57 PM

They totally phoned in the HE in terms of racial mechanics, even blessed spawnings are more useful and exciting than influence. 

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a month ago
Jan 4, 2025, 11:22:14 PM

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:
Top priority for me is the addition of mechanics for Tyrion and Teclis, and better/reworked mechanics for Alarielle and Alith Anar, but I can't deny I'd also hope to see more uniqueness added to the race as a whole.

I disagree. Every race should have atleast one baseline vanilla experience, and atleast Tyrion should remain that (not like he has much potential in TW terms anyways).

The entire HE race as a whole could use some spice. Playing as HE, nobody ever threatens Ulthuan.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 4, 2025, 11:38:13 PM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:
Top priority for me is the addition of mechanics for Tyrion and Teclis, and better/reworked mechanics for Alarielle and Alith Anar, but I can't deny I'd also hope to see more uniqueness added to the race as a whole.

I disagree. Every race should have atleast one baseline vanilla experience, and atleast Tyrion should remain that (not like he has much potential in TW terms anyways).

The entire HE race as a whole could use some spice. Playing as HE, nobody ever threatens Ulthuan.

I disagree with you on all counts except HE as a race needing more spice.

LLs with no unique mechanics are boring and stale, and I find it hard to bring myself to play them even if I like their lore.  I don't think any race should have that "baseline" experience, and the changes to Empire and Ogres making it so that no LL in either of those races does make me hopeful that the same could happen for High Elves.  Tyrion requires a degree of creativity to figure out what unique mechanics would work well for him but it would be far from impossible to give him something appropriate and interesting.

The fact that you say nobody threatens Ulthuan makes me wonder whether you've played much High Elves.  There's a period between earlygame and midgame where a competent player will have dealt with starting threats on Ulthuan, but it doesn't take that long for enemies to start sailing in - Dark Elves, Vampire Coast, WoC, Mousillon, I've even seen Lizardmen and Skaven invading on occasion.  Defending an island is far more irritating than defending a land border because there are no chokepoints or natural barriers - enemies can come from all directions, and the AI will frequently sail around to look for undefended towns to prey on.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 4, 2025, 11:53:45 PM

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:
LLs with no unique mechanics are boring and stale, and I find it hard to bring myself to play them even if I like their lore.  I don't think any race should have that "baseline" experience, and the changes to Empire and Ogres making it so that no LL in either of those races does make me hopeful that the same could happen for High Elves.  Tyrion requires a degree of creativity to figure out what unique mechanics would work well for him but it would be far from impossible to give him something appropriate and interesting.

To be fair, it’s going to be harder to give the High Elves a comprehensive set of mechanics (which they dearly lack) as well as unique lord mechanics. The Empire only got unique LL mechanics, but the race itself is threadbare. Ogres got both, but they’re also a DLC race (that’s probably topping out at three characters) and that came at the expense of Greenskins getting nothing.

If it was a choice between High Elf mechanics or lord mechanics, I’d rather the High Elves get a deep set of race mechanics akin to the Dwarfs than Tyrion/Teclis getting special mechanics. The lords could possibly play into specialties within those introduced systems.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 5, 2025, 12:08:42 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

To be fair, it’s going to be harder to give the High Elves a comprehensive set of mechanics (which they dearly lack) as well as unique lord mechanics. The Empire only got unique LL mechanics, but the race itself is threadbare. Ogres got both, but they’re also a DLC race (that’s probably topping out at three characters) and that came at the expense of Greenskins getting nothing.

If it was a choice between High Elf mechanics or lord mechanics, I’d rather the High Elves get a deep set of race mechanics akin to the Dwarfs than Tyrion/Teclis getting special mechanics. The lords could possibly play into specialties within those introduced systems.

I'll not deny that bespoke mechanics for both faction and LLs is a big ask, and I don't think it's necessarily a realistic expectation on my part.  I can hope, though.  It's possible that even if we can't get everything I'd want to see in the DLC itself, some of it might be able to happen later in one of the smaller updates, as we've seen it suggested that Kislev and Bretonnia reworks will.

I remain leaning in the direction of preferring each LL getting their own mechanics, mostly because I think I'd be happier with every LL having decent mechanics than the race having decent mechanics.

If the race ends up with excellent mechanics but individual LLs remain mechanically bland, I'll be content because good HE content is good HE content, but I think CA hitting the mark of "excellent" is less likely than them managing "decent", and if all we get is decent race mechanics and no LL mechanics, I will be disappointed.

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a month ago
Jan 5, 2025, 3:21:17 AM

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:

Top priority for me is the addition of mechanics for Tyrion and Teclis, and better/reworked mechanics for Alarielle and Alith Anar, but I can't deny I'd also hope to see more uniqueness added to the race as a whole.

I made a thread on High Elf updates a few months back, but the OP is probably a bit long for it to be appropriate to copy-paste the whole thing, so I will instead link it to read for anyone who is interested:

It's been a while, but I think pretty much all of what I said there still stands.  Only a little overlap between your ideas and mine (spell mastery, climates, economy), but that's not a bad thing. :) High elf rework hype!

Alith Anar should get same thing with aborting marked for death targets and having a enw one next turn that orgres get for their mercenary contracts. Also one of his starting targets is always the lord cylosytra kills off turn 1... It would also be nice if in addition to his faction having stalking stance and shadowrealm pathways that Alith Anar himself would also get them as lord effects so they get preserved if he gets confederated. Alith Anar is also the only faction in the game to have just 2 suitible climates. Give him temerpate island and  arguably mountain climate but change jungle and savannah to red. (maybe wasteland to unpleseant too) Also why does no faction in the entire game have savannah as a red climate?

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a month ago
Jan 5, 2025, 3:39:33 AM

Faerie_Storm#3043 wrote:
Alith Anar should get same thing with aborting marked for death targets and having a enw one next turn that orgres get for their mercenary contracts. Also one of his starting targets is always the lord cylosytra kills off turn 1... It would also be nice if in addition to his faction having stalking stance and shadowrealm pathways that Alith Anar himself would also get them as lord effects so they get preserved if he gets confederated. Alith Anar is also the only faction in the game to have just 2 suitible climates. Give him temerpate island and  arguably mountain climate but change jungle and savannah to red. (maybe wasteland to unpleseant too) Also why does no faction in the entire game have savannah as a red climate?

I'm not sure Marked for Death is even fundamentally a functional enough system with the current pace of the game for it to be worth upgrading rather than replacing.  It was designed in an era when money was worth more (less economic powercreep), influence was worth more (no influence from embassies or outposts), the map was smaller, and the pace of the game was slower (making it a more reasonable idea to send an assassin halfway across the map to snipe a target).  It's dubious whether the system is even worth engaging with in the current state of the game, and I don't think your proposed changes would necessarily do anything to fix that.

Agreed on stances sticking to the LL if he's confederated, and on his climate setup being overly restrictive, although I don't agree with downgrading wasteland to unpleasant - it seems deeply weird for his home province, lore-wise, to be suboptimal territory for him.

It'd also be a neat little change if Hands of the Shadow Crown were allowed to be embedded into armies.  They already have combat stats, so it doesn't seem like it would be a huge undertaking to change.

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a month ago
Jan 5, 2025, 9:35:52 AM

Loose ideas, all.

I copy and I paste:

The High Elf rework should prioritise political structures of Ulthuan. In order of importance:

​1. Ulthuan is ruled by the Twin Thrones, the Phoenix King and the Everqueen. Both hold their own courts which rival with each other. Both give importance to different spheres of rulership: Court of the Phoenix King - war-like and expansionist Court of the Everqueen - peaceful and introverted

  •  Both courts would offer different bonuses through progress based on favoured actions. For example, felling enemies would award points with CotPK, while keeping high Public Order would benefit standing with CotE.
  •  The player would participate in fights with NPCs over positions in both courts, balancing their standing. This is what dillemmata system should revolve around. It could work similar to Pharaoh's Royal Court or Chaos Dwarfs's Tower of Zharr. Of course, it wouldn't be possible to dethrone the Phoenix King and the Everqueen. Alarielle (and Finubar in case he becomes playable) should have unique interactions with these mechanics.
  • It should be possible to use influence to affect diplomacy, forge and break alliances, maneuver allies and enemies into wars. 

2.  The Ten Kingdoms system akin to Empire's Imperial Authority and Fealty. While the Asur do fight with each other in the lore, it makes little sense for them to murder each other in order to unite. Allow players to build relationships between the kingdoms with the use of actions and dillemmata. Give them special RoRs for achieving certain goals, for example SEM White Lion for forging bond with Chrace. 

3. Naval caravans & Elftowns. Players would establish Elftowns in port cities and upgrade them by completing caravan missions. Upgrades affecting host settlement would require additional influence cost. Elftowns would generate influence, open better allied recruitment, provide greater income, and maybe allow to affect choice of buildings made by NPC factons. Protecting sea lanes would increase their stability rating and increase benefits from caravans. Failing the task would do the opposite. 

4. The Great Vortex & Waystones restoration. Players would preserve the Waystone network and reduce the presence of Chaos in the world. The stronger the Great Vortex the weaker Winds of Magic become, except for those who rule over it. Chaos races would benefit from destroying Waystones and unbinding the Great Vortex.

I copy, and I paste, again:

​As for Tyrion specifically, when CA create the Twin Thrones mechanic, then the Dragon of Cothique could have his own special council attached to the Court of the Phoenix King:

AWARRIORELFMAN.jpegOther than that, I would like to see an option allowing to have him as LH in Alarielle's army.

And again:

​When the High Elves get the Twin Thrones update, Alarielle should get acces to extra functionality of the Court of the Everqueen. Considering how lacklustre FLC format is, it would be somewhat (barely, really) tolerable for her to get an additional simple UI where she could either upgrade her court and/or take actions.

She should have access to a special stance called the Court of the Everqueen that combines encamp, channeling and her provincial bonuses. It should be properly represented on the campaign map with silken pavilions.

As for Teclis:

Give him the White Tower of Hoeth mechanic. Maybe allow him to recruit the Loremasters of Hoeth as Ls, just like they were on TT.

Hm. I think I will make a thread on the subject one day.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 5, 2025, 11:04:34 AM

I really love the elf town mechanic, should give the city or town a small garrison of elves for the other faction

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a month ago
Jan 5, 2025, 9:21:38 PM

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:

Faerie_Storm#3043 wrote:
Alith Anar should get same thing with aborting marked for death targets and having a enw one next turn that orgres get for their mercenary contracts. Also one of his starting targets is always the lord cylosytra kills off turn 1... It would also be nice if in addition to his faction having stalking stance and shadowrealm pathways that Alith Anar himself would also get them as lord effects so they get preserved if he gets confederated. Alith Anar is also the only faction in the game to have just 2 suitible climates. Give him temerpate island and  arguably mountain climate but change jungle and savannah to red. (maybe wasteland to unpleseant too) Also why does no faction in the entire game have savannah as a red climate?

I'm not sure Marked for Death is even fundamentally a functional enough system with the current pace of the game for it to be worth upgrading rather than replacing.  It was designed in an era when money was worth more (less economic powercreep), influence was worth more (no influence from embassies or outposts), the map was smaller, and the pace of the game was slower (making it a more reasonable idea to send an assassin halfway across the map to snipe a target).  It's dubious whether the system is even worth engaging with in the current state of the game, and I don't think your proposed changes would necessarily do anything to fix that.

Agreed on stances sticking to the LL if he's confederated, and on his climate setup being overly restrictive, although I don't agree with downgrading wasteland to unpleasant - it seems deeply weird for his home province, lore-wise, to be suboptimal territory for him.

It'd also be a neat little change if Hands of the Shadow Crown were allowed to be embedded into armies.  They already have combat stats, so it doesn't seem like it would be a huge undertaking to change.

I ment to say chaotic wasteland since he's always up fighting the dark elves who have that as a green climate. As for the marked for death targets it's always better to target ones that have secondary buffs if you can not just money and influence (which the influence still really helps for him early to get lords/heros without negative traits sooner)

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a month ago
Jan 5, 2025, 11:41:10 PM

A High elves caravans mechanic is a must for me, hope they imprement them more soon than later

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a month ago
Jan 6, 2025, 3:02:45 AM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Loose ideas, all.

I copy and I paste:

The High Elf rework should prioritise political structures of Ulthuan. In order of importance:

​1. Ulthuan is ruled by the Twin Thrones, the Phoenix King and the Everqueen. Both hold their own courts which rival with each other. Both give importance to different spheres of rulership: Court of the Phoenix King - war-like and expansionist Court of the Everqueen - peaceful and introverted

  •  Both courts would offer different bonuses through progress based on favoured actions. For example, felling enemies would award points with CotPK, while keeping high Public Order would benefit standing with CotE.
  •  The player would participate in fights with NPCs over positions in both courts, balancing their standing. This is what dillemmata system should revolve around. It could work similar to Pharaoh's Royal Court or Chaos Dwarfs's Tower of Zharr. Of course, it wouldn't be possible to dethrone the Phoenix King and the Everqueen. Alarielle (and Finubar in case he becomes playable) should have unique interactions with these mechanics.
  • It should be possible to use influence to affect diplomacy, forge and break alliances, maneuver allies and enemies into wars. 

2.  The Ten Kingdoms system akin to Empire's Imperial Authority and Fealty. While the Asur do fight with each other in the lore, it makes little sense for them to murder each other in order to unite. Allow players to build relationships between the kingdoms with the use of actions and dillemmata. Give them special RoRs for achieving certain goals, for example SEM White Lion for forging bond with Chrace. 

3. Naval caravans & Elftowns. Players would establish Elftowns in port cities and upgrade them by completing caravan missions. Upgrades affecting host settlement would require additional influence cost. Elftowns would generate influence, open better allied recruitment, provide greater income, and maybe allow to affect choice of buildings made by NPC factons. Protecting sea lanes would increase their stability rating and increase benefits from caravans. Failing the task would do the opposite. 

4. The Great Vortex & Waystones restoration. Players would preserve the Waystone network and reduce the presence of Chaos in the world. The stronger the Great Vortex the weaker Winds of Magic become, except for those who rule over it. Chaos races would benefit from destroying Waystones and unbinding the Great Vortex.

I copy, and I paste, again:

​As for Tyrion specifically, when CA create the Twin Thrones mechanic, then the Dragon of Cothique could have his own special council attached to the Court of the Phoenix King:

AWARRIORELFMAN.jpegOther than that, I would like to see an option allowing to have him as LH in Alarielle's army.

And again:

​When the High Elves get the Twin Thrones update, Alarielle should get acces to extra functionality of the Court of the Everqueen. Considering how lacklustre FLC format is, it would be somewhat (barely, really) tolerable for her to get an additional simple UI where she could either upgrade her court and/or take actions.

She should have access to a special stance called the Court of the Everqueen that combines encamp, channeling and her provincial bonuses. It should be properly represented on the campaign map with silken pavilions.

As for Teclis:

Give him the White Tower of Hoeth mechanic. Maybe allow him to recruit the Loremasters of Hoeth as Ls, just like they were on TT.

Hm. I think I will make a thread on the subject one day.

Damn these are awesome ideas I’d be happy to see this just copy pasted into the game. 

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a month ago
Jan 6, 2025, 5:47:17 PM

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:

Top priority for me is the addition of mechanics for Tyrion and Teclis, and better/reworked mechanics for Alarielle and Alith Anar, but I can't deny I'd also hope to see more uniqueness added to the race as a whole.

I made a thread on High Elf updates a few months back, but the OP is probably a bit long for it to be appropriate to copy-paste the whole thing, so I will instead link it to read for anyone who is interested:

It's been a while, but I think pretty much all of what I said there still stands.  Only a little overlap between your ideas and mine (spell mastery, climates, economy), but that's not a bad thing. :) High elf rework hype!

Thats a great thing if we are providing similar feedback to CA it helps give them a clearer vison on what to prioritize!

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a month ago
Jan 6, 2025, 5:56:26 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:
LLs with no unique mechanics are boring and stale, and I find it hard to bring myself to play them even if I like their lore.  I don't think any race should have that "baseline" experience, and the changes to Empire and Ogres making it so that no LL in either of those races does make me hopeful that the same could happen for High Elves.  Tyrion requires a degree of creativity to figure out what unique mechanics would work well for him but it would be far from impossible to give him something appropriate and interesting.

To be fair, it’s going to be harder to give the High Elves a comprehensive set of mechanics (which they dearly lack) as well as unique lord mechanics. The Empire only got unique LL mechanics, but the race itself is threadbare. Ogres got both, but they’re also a DLC race (that’s probably topping out at three characters) and that came at the expense of Greenskins getting nothing.

If it was a choice between High Elf mechanics or lord mechanics, I’d rather the High Elves get a deep set of race mechanics akin to the Dwarfs than Tyrion/Teclis getting special mechanics. The lords could possibly play into specialties within those introduced systems.

I mean it doesnt have to be anything big though the difference between gelt and volkmar before their mechanics and after was so fantastic in my mind and all volkmar got was being added to a existing mechanic haha. Just a smaller easy faction mechanic or a still small but dope one like the one gelt got is all im looking for and is totally possible to come with race mechanics. They've gone back and added in little tweaks to lords all the time including DW lords and EMP lords are examples off the top of my head. But yes better race mechanics should be prioritized cause that has been so huge for DW and EMP but i dont think we will have to sacrifice tyrion and teclis getting little ones as well as they desperately need it and would benefit so much from really anything haha

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a month ago
Jan 6, 2025, 5:59:39 PM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Loose ideas, all.

I copy and I paste:

The High Elf rework should prioritise political structures of Ulthuan. In order of importance:

​1. Ulthuan is ruled by the Twin Thrones, the Phoenix King and the Everqueen. Both hold their own courts which rival with each other. Both give importance to different spheres of rulership: Court of the Phoenix King - war-like and expansionist Court of the Everqueen - peaceful and introverted

  •  Both courts would offer different bonuses through progress based on favoured actions. For example, felling enemies would award points with CotPK, while keeping high Public Order would benefit standing with CotE.
  •  The player would participate in fights with NPCs over positions in both courts, balancing their standing. This is what dillemmata system should revolve around. It could work similar to Pharaoh's Royal Court or Chaos Dwarfs's Tower of Zharr. Of course, it wouldn't be possible to dethrone the Phoenix King and the Everqueen. Alarielle (and Finubar in case he becomes playable) should have unique interactions with these mechanics.
  • It should be possible to use influence to affect diplomacy, forge and break alliances, maneuver allies and enemies into wars. 

2.  The Ten Kingdoms system akin to Empire's Imperial Authority and Fealty. While the Asur do fight with each other in the lore, it makes little sense for them to murder each other in order to unite. Allow players to build relationships between the kingdoms with the use of actions and dillemmata. Give them special RoRs for achieving certain goals, for example SEM White Lion for forging bond with Chrace. 

3. Naval caravans & Elftowns. Players would establish Elftowns in port cities and upgrade them by completing caravan missions. Upgrades affecting host settlement would require additional influence cost. Elftowns would generate influence, open better allied recruitment, provide greater income, and maybe allow to affect choice of buildings made by NPC factons. Protecting sea lanes would increase their stability rating and increase benefits from caravans. Failing the task would do the opposite. 

4. The Great Vortex & Waystones restoration. Players would preserve the Waystone network and reduce the presence of Chaos in the world. The stronger the Great Vortex the weaker Winds of Magic become, except for those who rule over it. Chaos races would benefit from destroying Waystones and unbinding the Great Vortex.

I copy, and I paste, again:

​As for Tyrion specifically, when CA create the Twin Thrones mechanic, then the Dragon of Cothique could have his own special council attached to the Court of the Phoenix King:

AWARRIORELFMAN.jpegOther than that, I would like to see an option allowing to have him as LH in Alarielle's army.

And again:

​When the High Elves get the Twin Thrones update, Alarielle should get acces to extra functionality of the Court of the Everqueen. Considering how lacklustre FLC format is, it would be somewhat (barely, really) tolerable for her to get an additional simple UI where she could either upgrade her court and/or take actions.

She should have access to a special stance called the Court of the Everqueen that combines encamp, channeling and her provincial bonuses. It should be properly represented on the campaign map with silken pavilions.

As for Teclis:

Give him the White Tower of Hoeth mechanic. Maybe allow him to recruit the Loremasters of Hoeth as Ls, just like they were on TT.

Hm. I think I will make a thread on the subject one day.

i really like the idea of the caravans upgrading the elfs towns. That would be a cool spin on the existing mechanic and sounds like the player would be like oh do i go and get my bretonia elf colonys beefed up first or would i rather get my WE ones stronger instead. Very cool 

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