Total War Warhammer 3 Upcoming DLC Speculation (Units, Lords, and Potential Mechanics)

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 2:01:15 PM

Hello, this is a quick Forum post I decided to make at the spur of a moment, so pardon if things aren't formatted in the best way. 

With Omens of Destruction just having released, I feel that we can expect the Slaanesh DLC that was originally planned to come out by now will be now in the works. So, without further ado, let's break down what I think could potentially be in the next DLC, and why I think they should be there. 

This DLC, which I've decided to name "Femme Fatale" for the fun of it, would include Slanesh (duh), Dark Elves, and Vampire Counts, with three (well, two and a half) female Legendary Lords leading each of their respective factions. Now, Slaanesh is a no-brainer, we need to round out the Chaos roster with Slaanesh-Marked Lords, Heroes, and Gors. Dark Elves, thematically, would be the best choice for the second race, especially since a lot of missing Slaaneshi units are also Dark Elf units (Cult of Pleasure specifically). And as for the third race, I think it should be Vampire Counts, namely because they are one of the top three races that are in desperate need of a Legacy Rework (the other two being Norsca and Bretonnia). The overall theme of the DLC would be "enslavement and seduction", and that is why I thought to pick out these three races in particular. Now, with all of the necessary preamble out of the way, let's get into the meat of it. 


Slaanesh DLC pack.jpg



DLC Legendary Lord - The Masque of Slaanesh

Source: 8th Edition Daemons of Chaos Army Book

As the last remaining named Lesser Daemon character that's not yet in the game, it only makes sense that the Masque would make its way into the DLC. She would be a strictly on-foot Legendary Lord that would excel at dueling enemies, and would gain benefits for being constantly on the move and cycle-charging (the Masque is an expert dancer, after all). Otherwise, she would just act as a superior version of a regular Herald of Slaanesh. For campaign mechanics, she could potentially have the Eternal Dance incorporated as a series of cycling objectives that can summed up as "go to X to do Y and receive Z as a reward" (for example "send an army to Bretonnia and defeat an army led by a Prophetess to receive a discount for Seducing Units", or "send any character to the Badlands and Assassinate any Goblin Hero to double the effects of Pleasurable Acts", etc.). Completing one objective would unlock another objective of higher difficulty and greater reward, and successively completing them earns you more and more of Slaanesh's favor, whilst failing them would earn you the Dark Prince's ire. Thus, each objective would be like a movement in a dance, and each victory is a step in the grand choreography that would demonstrate the Masque's skill as a peerless dancer. 

FLC Legendary Lord - Dechala the Denied One

Source: 5th Edition Champions of Chaos Army Book

Just as Arbaal was recently added to Khorne's roster, Dechala would be a fine addition to Slaanesh's. Once a beautiful High Elf noblewoman, Dechala was cursed cursed by a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, and mutated into a hideous serpentine form, which makes her the ideal choice for a Slaanesh DLC that features Elves. As a six-armed Warrior of Slaanesh clad in Chaos Armor, Dechala would make for a formidable melee combatant, and her special ability could be to swap between three different Dances of Slaanesh, allowing her to swap her fighting style mid-battle (similar to how Festus can swap between healing and hurting). As for campaign mechanics, I imagine her ability to make Elixirs of Damnations (a concoction brewed from corpse-fluids, and blood mixed with Warpstone that inflicts terrible mutations on its victims). I imagine a mechanic similar to the Forge or the Mortuary Cult, where she collects different Trade Resources and uses them to concoct different types of Elixirs. The Elixirs could then be used as pre-battle consumables, allowing her faction to Seduce enemy units before buffing them with stats and abilities. The higher the rarity of an Elixir and the more ingredients used, the higher its potency, bringing Dechala's alchemical skills to the fore. 

DLC Legendary Hero - Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer 

Source: White Dwarf #273

There's not a whole lot of Slaanesh characters left to add to the game, so one of Archaon's Lieutenants should do. As a Champion of Slaanesh who got possessed by a Daemon by the name of Sle'zuzu, Styrkaar received inhuman strength and rides into battle on the back of a Serpent of Slaanesh (which are affectionately referred to as "boob-snakes" by the community). During the End Times, he served as Sigvald's second-in-command, so Styrkaar being a Legendary Hero would be a fitting addition to a Slaanesh-focused DLC. Furthermore, many of the missing Slaaneshi units that'd be added here also ride on Serpents of Slaanesh, or are otherwise serpent-themed, so Styrkaar who rides on one would just be the most thematically fitting addition to the roster. In-game, he might even have the ability to bolster all Serpent-riding units whilst leading them on a headlong charge into the enemy lines. 

DLC Generic Lord - Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh

Source: 8th Edition Warriors of Chaos Army Book

Plain and simple, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord who bears the Mark of Slaanesh. Would have two variants, one using the Lore of Shadows and the other using the Lore of Slaanesh. The mortal spellcaster lord would not only bolster the ranks of Slaanesh's forces, but also those of the Warriors of Chaos, as Undivided Chaos Sorcerer Lords would be able to take on the Mark of Slaanesh and transform via the Path to Glory mechanic. In addition to Chaos Steeds, they should also have the option of Steeds of Slaanesh, and perhaps even Serpents of Slaanesh as mounts (Serpents could potentially be added for Chaos Lords of Slaanesh as well). Overall, just a roster filler that would provide more spellcasting to mortal Slaaneshi armies. 

DLC Generic Hero - Exalted Hero of Slaanesh

Source: 8th Edition Warriors of Chaos Army Book

Just as the Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh is just a Chaos Sorcerer Lord with the Mark of Slaanesh, the Exalted Hero of Slaanesh would just be an Exalted Hero bearing the same Mark. For Slaanesh, the Exalted Hero would provide a steadfast melee specialist Hero who could hold the frontlines, taking on a role that would otherwise have to be filled by the Chaos Lord of Slaanesh. For Warriors of Chaos, their Exalted Heroes would gain the ability to take on the Mark of Slaanesh, and in doing so fill out the last missing gaps in the Path to Glory mechanic. In terms of equipment, they could base him of the miniature pictured above and give them Hellscourges, whilst being able to mount Chaos Steeds, Chaos Chariots, and Steeds of Slaanesh. 

FLC Generic Lord - Druchii Anointed 

Source - Storm of Chaos 

Similar to how Grey Bray Shamans were added for free with the release of "the Silence & the Fury DLC", or how Golden Wizards were added with the "Thrones of Decay DLC", the Druchii Anointed could serve as a free addition to the forces of Slaanesh, the Warriors of Chaos, and the Cult of Pleasure. There were a lot of options for the Druchii Anointed, as they could have two Spellcasting variants, one using the Lore of Dark Magic and the other using the Lore of Slaanesh. Additionally, they could take a variety of weapons, including Swords and Shields, Dual Weapons, Great Weapons, Halberds, and Repeater Crossbows. As for mounts, they could ride on top of Chaos Steeds, Dark Steeds, Cold Ones, Steeds of Slaanesh, and Serpents of Slaanesh (albeit Steeds and Serpents of Slaanesh were one and the same back in 6th Edition when the Druchii Anointed was released). However, for the sake of simplicity, I think CA should just base the Druchii Anointed of their one available model, and have them wield Halberds whilst giving them Lore of Dark Magic and Lore of Slaanesh variants. Their inclusion would give the Cult of Pleasure access to the Lore of Slaanesh, and Slaanesh in turn (and by extension Warriors of Chaos) would gain access to the Lore of Dark Magic. 

DLC Unit - Hellreavers 

Source - 8th Edition Warriors of Chaos Army Book (sort of) 

Type - Melee Cavalry

Not a unit per say, as much an extrapolation of something that could have been possible. Similar to how Doom Knights of Tzeentch are just Champions of Tzeentch mounted on Disks that got turned into a unit, Hellreavers could be Champions of Slaanesh mounted on Serpents that become a unit as well. The name "Hellreaver" comes from the Champions that would lead units of Hellstriders in the tabletop game. This version of the unit would be slower than Hellstriders, but also tougher and would be able to stick in melee for much longer due to their increased survivability. Thus, whilst most of the army would cycle charge, the Hellreavers would keep the enemies pinned in place, taking on the brunt of the punishment with pleasure. 

DLC Unit - Pleasureseekers 

Source - Storm of Chaos

Type - Melee Cavalry

Whereas Hellreavers would be mortal champions mounted on Serpents of Slaanesh, Pleasureseekers would have Daemonettes as the riders. Just as Seekers of Slaanesh are Daemonic equivalents of Hellstriders, Pleasureseekers are the Daemonic counterparts to Hellreavers, eschewing Anti-Large capabilities for Armor-Piercing properties. Though they are decently fast, they are not as fast as Seekers, and so would take on the role of line-breakers, charging into the thick of enemy ranks and sowing fear and confusion into their hearts. However, as Daemonic units, they would also suffer the drawbacks of entirely dissipating rather than retreating once they are broken, meaning that they would not supplant Hellreavers as a unit. 

DLC Unit - Devoted of Slaanesh

Source - Storm of Chaos 

Type - Melee Infantry

As Dark Elf members of the Cult of Pleasure who became dedicated to the worship of Slaanesh, the Devoted are a specialized melee unit that is armed with Dual Weapons and bears the Soporific Musk ability (a contact effect that reduces Melee Defense and Melee Attack on targets hit). Thus, unlike Daemonettes or Witch Elves that specialize in dishing out damage, the Devoted of Slaanesh would be responsible for softening up enemies in preparation for a devastating flanking hit. Ergo, the Devoted would function best in a two-tier charge, where they strike first to soften an opponent, then cycle out whilst another unit charges in to deal the killing blow. Thus, they would have a place in both the armies of Slaanesh and Morathi alike. 

DLC Unit - Slaangors 

Source - 6th Edition Beasts of Chaos Army Book

Type - Melee Infantry

With the final Marked Gor variant added to the game, the Beastmen will finally be able to devote themselves to the Dark Prince in earnest. As Gors that bear the Mark of Slaanesh, the Slaangors receive all of the benefits that it brings, whilst also retaining their Primal Fury. In addition, they would also have Fiendish Musk (a passive ability unique to Slaanesh), which lowers Melee Attack and Movement Speed of nearby enemies). This would give Slaangors a unique place in both Slaaneshi and Beastmen army rosters, as they would slow down enemies and prevent them from escaping, making it much easier to pursue fleeing enemies. As for gear, I imagine they could either have Dual Weapons, Hellscourges, or two-handed swords. 

DLC Unit - Chaos Gorgon

Source - 4th Edition Chaos Army Book

Type - Monster 

Not to be confused with Ghorgons, the Chaos Gorgons are a relic of the past that has never been officially retconned (after all, there's an isle in Estalia called "Gorgon's Ola", and an archipelago in Naggaroth called "Gorgon's Land", as well as brief mentions of Gorgons living in Araby). The Chaos Gorgon (which is likely to be a reskinned Bloodwrack Medusae) would be the set-piece monster unit for Slaanesh's DLC, bearing Stony Skin (making it exceptionally tough), inflicting Venomous attacks on its enemies, and can cast its Petrifying Gaze (a bound spell) at any visible enemy unit, slowing them down or outright halting them in their tracks. Thus, the Chaos Gorgon would provide some much needed utility to the forces of Slaanesh. 

That should cover just about everything for the Slaaneshi portion of the DLC, but as mentioned above, I have ideas for the other two races as well. However, this post has gone on long enough, and I'd rather keep it at a reasonable length. Instead, I'll get around to posting about the Dark Elf and Vampire Counts sections as a reply to this thread whenever I get around to it (shouldn't be long). 

Anyways, I hope you all like the ideas I shared so far.

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 5:32:21 PM

Continuing where I left off, let's proceed with the Dark Elf portion of the Femme Fatale DLC and what it may have in store. 

For the Legendary Lord, it would have Kharbana, the Slave Mistress, a Dark Elf Slave Lord who has enslaved, commanded, and murdered hundreds of slaves during her tenure, and is feared even by her Druchii brethren for the cruelty she has inflicted. The reason why I pick this obscure character over the more popular ones is because I feel that she's the only one that fits the role of a faction leader. Kouran Darkhand is just Malekith's personal bodyguard, Tullaris Dreadbringer is just Crone Hellebron's henchman, and Vykiel the Monstrous is just a discount Rakarth. That only leaves Shadowblade, but frankly I'd rather have a Legendary Lords that interacts with the Dark Elves' Slavery mechanic rather than just getting a pointy-eared Snikch (besides, we already have a pointy-eared Snikch, and his name's Alith Anar). Thus, I decided to make Kharbana the Legendary Lord and Shadowblade as her accompanying Legendary Hero. So, here's the deets: 

Dark Elves DLC pack.jpg


DLC Legendary Lord - Kharbana the Slave Mistress

Source: Citadel Journal #21

Though there would be a bit of overlap with Rakarth, due to being a whip-wielding Dark Elf lord (lady), Kharbana would make up the difference with her ability to bolster herself and her slave warrior units with the usage of Black Potions (which can bolster the user's physical strength, grant them Frenzy, or make them Immune to Psychology). Her whip also "inspires" nearby slaves to fight on with renewed vigor. Though not listed in her profile, her model sports a crossbow, which might also be translated to the game and grant her the ability to take some pot shots from a safe distance. As for game mechanics, I propose "Slave Raids", which would let her mark out any enemy faction, and for several turns she'd have a quota of slaves to take. If the quota is met (or exceeded) then she would receive a Slave Lord Charm, which would give her faction-wide benefits depending on the race of the Slave raid's target (similar to the "WAAAGH! Trophies" that the Greenskins have). This would encourage Kharbana to travel across the map, encountering different races, and launching Slave Raids upon them, in the hopes of enslaving enough of them to gain Slave Lord Charms that have the faction effects that she'd need at any given moment. 

DLC Legendary Hero - Shadowblade 

Source: 8th Edition Dark Elves Army Book

As the deadliest of all Khainite Assassins, the Dark Elf known as Shadowblade (or "Death that Walks Unseen") is without peer in his deadly craft, and has a varied arsenal of tools and talents to get the job done. In addition to being equipped with Dual Weapons and throwing blades, Shadowblade also has a Potion of Diabolic Strength (enhanced Potion of Strength) and an amulet known as the Heart of Woe. Should the wearer of the Heart fall in battle, then the amulet will explode into a thousand pieces, and rain death in every direction. Coupled with Stalk, Shadowblade would be able to move across the battlefield unseen, and then strike down high priority targets with murderous expertise. Should he fail to best his opponent, then the Heart of Woe would trigger and deliver mutually assured destruction to the target. Shadowblade would also excel at Assassination, Assaulting Units, and Assaulting Garrisons, making him just as deadly on the campaign map as he would be on the field of battle. 

DLC Generic Lord - Black Ark Fleetmaster

Source: 8th Edition Dark Elves Army Book

A leader among Black Ark Corsairs, the Fleetmaster is a Lord that does not specialize in leading as much as he relishes in the thrill of battle. Armed with Dual Weapons and the Sea Dragon Cloak (which enhances his defense against non-magical missile attacks), the Black Ark Fleetmaster also has the special ability to become temporarily Unbreakable after killing an enemy Lord or Hero in battle. I also imagine that when performing the Sacrifice to Mathlann, players would be given a small dilemma asking them if they'd prefer their new Black Ark to be helmed by a regular Dreadlord or a Black Ark Fleetmaster (assuming that they own the DLC). They had no mounts in the tabletop game, but that could be changed.

DLC Generic Hero - Beastmaster 

Source: 6th Edition Dark Elves Army Book

Whereas High Beastmasters are the Lords that break in the various monstrosities that the Dark Elves wrangle, the regular Beastmasters are the ones who have not yet proven themselves worthy of leading an army all on their own. Thus, the Beastmaster would exist as a Hero equivalent of a High Beastmaster, or as a Dark Elf equivalent of a Skaven Packmaster. Otherwise they would have all of the abilities that a High Beastmaster has, but instead of leading troops they might have the ability to summon Feral Cold Ones, or the Cold One Beasthounds (detailed below). Naturally, they'd be experts at killing enemy monsters, whilst being able to control their own monsters when they start Rampaging. 

DLC Unit - Human Slave Warriors 

Source: Citadel Journal #21

Type - Melee Infantry

Just as the Skaven have Skavenslaves, and the Chaos Dwarfs have Goblin Laborers, the Dark Elves would have Human Slave Warriors. Taken from the beaten and downtrodden slave populace in Naggaroth, and then told to fight against the Druchii's enemies, the Human Slave Warriors are nothing more than meat shields. Equipped with one-handed clubs and scraps of clothes, the Human Slave Warriors would be an Expendable, high-entity unit with shoddy leadership and combat abilities. Their one and only purpose is to soak up the damage intended for the Dark Elves, and not take up a lot of upkeep should they survive. Naturally, they would be a Tier 0 unit that any Dark Elf settlement would be able to recruit. 

DLC Unit - High Elf Slave Warriors

Source: Citadel Journal #21

Type - Melee Infantry 

Though markedly more lithe and trained than the run-of-the-mill Human slaves (due to the High Elves having a regular Citizen Levy within their kingdoms), they would still suffer the same humiliating fate of being naught but cannon fodder, being marched out to fight and die for the hated Druchii who had enslaved them. They would still be Expendable, but would have a lower entity count and be armed with two-handed clubs. Though seeing a marked improvement in combat capability, they would still be Tier 0 chaff for the Dark Elves to field, not dissimilar to how the Chaos Dwarfs employ both Goblin and Orc Laborers in their own armies. This is a comparison that the Dark Elves find to be endlessly amusing. 

DLC Unit - City Guards 

Source: 6th Edition Dark Elves Army Book

Type - Missile (Hybrid) Infantry

Whenever the Dark Cities of Naggaroth are under siege by a foreign threat, it is the City Guards that step forth to face the invaders. The City Guards would mercilessly slaughter their enemies and then capture any survivors, taking them in as slaves. On the tabletop, the City Guards were able to mix-and-match units equipped with Spears and Repeater Crossbows, but in game that could translate to them becoming a form of Dark Elf hybrid infantry (bearing both spears and crossbows simultaneously). If they came in two variants (one with Shields and one without), then the City Guards would effectively as the Dark Elf equivalent of Lothern Sea Guards that are employed by their hated High Elven kin. 

DLC Unit - Fellblades 

Source: Mordheim Town Cryer #12

Type - Melee Infantry 

As elite Dark Elf warriors who specialize in any martial discipline of their choosing, the Fellblades are the premiere Dark Elf infantry unit. Typically serving as bodyguards to noble households, they may also accompany raiding parties to foreign lands, protecting their charges or honing their skills in battle. Though they had a wide variety of weapons to choose from in Mordheim, and no official model of them exists (I used Dark Elf Lordlings for their image, which are just Champions for Dark Elf Warriors), a lot of artistic liberty could be taken here. Though my personal choice is to make them heavily armored sword-and-board infantry with a low entity count (basically Dark Elf equivalents of Aspiring Champions). 

DLC Unit - Cold One Beasthounds 

Source: Mordheim Town Cryer #12

Type - War Beasts 

A subspecies of Cold Ones that the Dark Elves discovered in Lustria (thus, it could also be available to the Lizardmen), Cold One Beasthounds are reptilian predators that are larger than wardogs but are of similar build. With rows of razor-sharp teeth, and a natural instinct to kill, the Dark Elves employ these creatures across the known world as beasts of war, treating them like cold-blooded warhounds. In battle, Cold One Beasthounds would be very fast, have Scaly Skin, Vanguard Deployment, but would be prone to Rampaging. They would effectively be a cross-breed between Chaos Warhounds and Feral Cold Ones (no official model of them exists, so I used unreleased Slann Warhounds from White Dwarf #96).

FLC Unit - Royal War Hydra

Source: White Dwarf #261

Type - Monster 

Royal War Hydras (also known as "Malekith's Chosen") are a rare breed that has been reared by none other than the Witch King Malekith himself, who grants this monstrous creature as a reward to any Beastmasters who have proven their merit on the battlefield. The Royal War Hydra sports bony plates (which make it tougher than the typical War Hydra), acid blood (which damages any nearby enemies when it is cut), and exchanges its Fiery Breath for an Acidic Breath that ignores the armor of any enemies that it hits. However, the Royal War Hydra also suffers from leadership penalties when its health is brought down below a certain threshold, making it a flighty beast when it is exposed to the terrors of war.

FLC Unit - Spellthirster

Source: White Dwarf #261

Type - Monster 

Spellthirsters (also known as "Rakarth's Vendettas") are a rare breed of Hydra that had been sired through a union of Rakarth's beast-rearing techniques and Morathi's magical enchantments. Thus, Spellthirsters are War Hydras that exist to oppose magic, and are typically sent out to single out and consume spellcasting enemies. Morathi's spell, known as "Daerlythe's Aura" grants Spellthirsters a degree of magical resistance, and all nearby Dark Elves also receive a portion of the effect. In exchange, the Spellthirster is considerably weaker to physical attacks, making it a more backline support Hydra, using its aura to protect allied troops from enemy spell effects rather than risk getting close to the battlefront.

FLC Unit - Veteran War Hydra

Source: White Dwarf #261

Type - Monster

Veteran War Hydras (also known as "Claws of Khaine") are War Hydras which have survived for so long that they've become entirely accustomed to war, and have developed complete trust in their handlers.  These War Hydras are typically decorated with adornments, gruesome trophies, and battle scars to differentiate them from their less trained kin. This is why Veteran War Hydras have improved Leadership compared to their counterparts, and may have a number of abilities as well, such as resistance to non-magical missile attacks, Frenzy, Immunity to Psychology, and Vanguard Deployment. In all respects, the Veteran War Hydra is a direct improvement when compared to the regular War Hydra. 

The reason why I decided to place the three War Hydra variants as FLC content is because they are for all intents and purposes just recolored War Hydras with some of their stats and abilities altered. In essence, they are equivalent to the Marked Chaos Warrior variants, which also got added as free content to the game when the "Champions of Chaos DLC" was released. Thus, I believe that the three new War Hydra types should be added for free as well, allowing the Dark Elves to gain all of their missing units in one big DLC pack. 

Lastly, the Supreme Sorceress and Sorceress variants that'd use the Lores of Heavens, Life, Light, and Metal would just be there to add more spellcasting options for the Dark Elves, as those variants were present in their 8th Edition Army Book, and would thus be a nice addition (like how Ogres recently got new Slaughtermaster and Butcher variants). 

Anyways, that's it for my thoughts about what the Dark Elves should get in this theoretical DLC pack, so I'll post this here and make the conclusion at a later time.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 6:11:38 PM

Slaanesh Pack

LL: Dechala the Denied One

LH: Vandred the Majestic

L: Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh

H: Exalted Hero of Slaanesh

Pleasureseekers (Daemonettes on Serpents of Slaanesh)

Painseekers (Chaos Knights of Slaanesh on Serpents of Slaanesh)

Centigors of Slaanesh

Spined Chaos Beast/Basilisk

FLL: Masque of Slaanesh

High Elves

LL Aislinn

LH Caradryan

L Anointed of Asuryan

H Lothern Sea Helm

Dark Elves

LL Tullaris

LH Shadowblade

​LH Kouran

L Black Ark Fleetmaster

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 6:43:41 PM


- Dechala LL

- Vandred LH 

- Sorcerer Lord 

- Exalted Hero

- Arch Fiend 

- Slaangors

- Pleasureseekers 

- Boob Snake Knights 

- Anointed/Devotes of Slaanesh 

FLC: Masque 


- Aislinn LL

- Caradryan LH 

- Anointed of Asuryan Lord

- Seahelm Hero

- Merwyrm 

- Skycutter (2 variants) 

- Ship Company 

- Stormreavers 

- Sea Rangers 

Skulls FLC Korhil LH


- Tullaris LL

- Shadowblade LH

- Kouran LH

- Hag Queen Lord 

- Pagowyrm 

- Statues of Khaine 

- Magma Dragon

- Manticore Riders 

- Draich Masters / City Guard / Spellthirster

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 6:57:54 PM

Adding slaves to the Dark Elves seems like a really interesting addition that would help expand out their mechanics similar to the Chaos Dwarfs. Probably not a highlight unit to showcase, but definitely one that would impact campaign gameplay more than anything else that could be added. 

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 7:15:15 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
- Magma Dragon

Magma Dragon should be a CD unit.  DEs should only get them through Rakarth's Monster Pens.

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 7:17:39 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
- Magma Dragon

Magma Dragon should be a CD unit.  DEs should only get them through Rakarth's Monster Pens.

Sure but CD most likely won’t get a DLC. 

Anyways, just switch it with the Spellthirster Hydra then. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 7:35:25 PM

My man, how do you see a 6-armed snake lady and think "yes, this is FLC material" ?

Dechala needs the DLC budget to animate !

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 7:37:33 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:


- Dechala LL

- Vandred LH 

- Sorcerer Lord 

- Exalted Hero

- Arch Fiend 

- Slaangors

- Pleasureseekers 

- Boob Snake Knights 

- Anointed/Devotes of Slaanesh 

FLC: Masque 


- Aislinn LL

- Caradryan LH 

- Anointed of Asuryan Lord

- Seahelm Hero

- Merwyrm 

- Skycutter (2 variants) 

- Ship Company 

- Stormreavers 

- Sea Rangers 

Skulls FLC Korhil LH


- Tullaris LL

- Shadowblade LH

- Kouran LH

- Hag Queen Lord 

- Pagowyrm 

- Statues of Khaine 

- Magma Dragon

- Manticore Riders 

- Draich Masters / City Guard / Spellthirster

CA have sold some bullshit over the years, but paying for a Pagowyrm as a unit when it's litteraly a recolor, would be a new low, for real

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 7:51:09 PM

Tiloki9#2502 wrote:
CA have sold some bullshit over the years, but paying for a Pagowyrm as a unit when it's litteraly a recolor, would be a new low, for real

It is?  How many Races have we had to pay for that use the exact same Giant model?

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 8:02:49 PM

Concluding the post, I'll just add my thoughts on what the third race in the upcoming DLC should be - the Vampire Counts. The reason why I want the Counts is because compared to every other race in the game, they need a Legacy Rework the most. Norsca at least had some QoL updates when Immortal Empires released to tide them over, and Bretonnia is free so it's not like anyone loses out on getting them. The Vampire Counts, on the other hand, are not only really old (being from the start of the first game), but their implementation into TWW3 has made them feel that much more outdated. Lastly, if Neferata was added as their Legendary Lord, then she'd fit the theme of seduction and enthrallment that Slaanesh has, making her compete with Daemonic temptresses using her own Vampiric wiles. Plus, the Lahmian Sisterhood's been in the game for ages now, it's about time they become playable. And now, for the actual content of the DLC: 


DLC Legendary Lord - Neferata, the Vampire Queen

Source: 5th Edition Vampire Counts Army Book/The End Times

The one and only Queen of Vampires, Neferata is the primogenitor of the Lahmian Bloodline, and also the first of her kind. It only makes sense that a character of that caliber would become a Legendary Lord eventually. Now, depending on what rendition of Neferata CA uses, she could either appear in her 5th Edition incarnation, or her End Times incarnation (and considering that the Lahmian Sisterhood uses her End Time helm as their symbol, it is likely going to be the latter). Either way, Neferata's going to be a powerful Spellcaster that channels the Lore of Death and debuffs her enemies whilst beguiling their champions. In the campaign, she might have an ability that allows her to transform non-unique Human and Elven Lords and Heroes into Vampires (similar to Be'lakor's Shadow mechanic that turns them into Daemon Princes), or convert their Heroes to join her side as "Swains" (a Lahmian "unit" from 6th Edition). She might even have a variant of Slaanesh's ability to Seduce enemy units before the start of every battle, and having a mechanic similar to Tzeentch's "Changer of Ways" that would permit her to influence other factions with various acts of trickery and subterfuge, making for a very unique Vampire Counts experience. 

DLC Legendary Hero - Countess Marianna Chevoux

Source: Mordheim Town Cryer #22

As a Lahmian Vampire, Marianna makes for the logical choice for Legendary Hero who would accompany Neferata in this DLC. As a Vampire Assassin working in Mordheim, it would be no issue for the Vampire Queen to hire her services, and employ her as a deadly combatant. Armed with Dual Weapons (rapier and dagger), with Poisoned Attacks, and all of the grace and poise that is afforded to her as an aristocrat of the night, Marianna acts as a skilled duelist who can single out enemy characters and take them out with keen precision. She would also have a crossbow holstered to her back, whose bolts are also tipped with poison, making her a marksman Hero as well, an invaluable asset to the Vampire Counts. She would also be useful roaming around the campaign map, Assassinating Heroes, as well as Assaulting their Units and Garrisons to inflict considerable casualties to the enemy.

DLC Generic Lord - Winged Vampire Lord 

Source: White Dwarf #339

A variant of a Vampire Lord who does not require a mount to fly. Being both a formidable melee combatant, and a Spellcaster that comes in Lore of Death, Shadows, and Vampires variants, the Winged Vampire Lord would be a capable sidegrade to the generic Vampire Lord (eschewing mounts for the ability to summon Fell Bats and Vargheists). In the potential Vampire Counts rework I envision, the Counts will have a "Vampiric Awakening" mechanic (similar to Kislev's "Ice Court" mechanic) where they'd train Vampires, Vampire Lords, and Strigoi Ghoul Kings for several turns before recruiting them. In this fashion, the Winged Vampire Lord would appear as an alternate variant that could be awakened in this fashion. 

DLC Generic Hero - Pallid Handmaiden 

Source: 8th Edition Vampire Counts Army Book

Though not a unit per say in the tabletop game, they were present as the crew for the Coven Thrones (listed below). With the addition of Queen Neferata to the game, it would only be fitting to have her Handmaidens present as well. Unlike the generic Vampire Heroes, the Pallid Handmaidens would be support specialists, bringing in buffs to nearby Undead allies, and withering the morale of any mortal enemies that come before her. Her abilities in combat would be quite limited, being armed with nothing more than a Needle-sharp Poniard (effectively a dagger), but her capabilities would be dramatically increased once mounted on a Coven Throne. Overall, a very backline ability-reliant Hero option. 

DLC Unit - Sylvanian Levy (a.k.a. Zombie Levy)

Source: Storm of Chaos 

Type - Melee Infantry 

When Human Sylvanian infantrymen die in battle, their Vampiric overlords would raise them as mindless Zombies and then send them back to the frontlines to die a second time. These Zombie Levies would be armed with Light Armor, Shields, and either Spears or Halberds. This would make them into a cheap Meat Shield unit that would have Charge Defense Vs Large, and Charge Reflection. They would be more numerous than Skeleton Spearmen, but also less regimented, appearing more as a blob of bodies than a staunch line of spears. Nevertheless, the Zombie Levies are still likely to find a place for themselves in the Vampire Counts' Undead armies, even if only to provide Ghorst with a bit more unit variety. 

DLC Unit - Sylvanian Militia (a.k.a. Skeleton Militia) 

Source: Storm of Chaos 

Type - Melee/Missile/Hybrid Infantry

Not all Skeletons that are raised by Necromancy are mindless husks, as some retain the martial skills that they've possessed in life, and employ them on the battlefield. Sylvania's Skeleton Militias are one such example, being a step above regular Skeletons, but also a step behind the vaunted Grave Guards. There's three different ways Skeleton Militias could be implemented, either as Light Armored troops with Shields, Spears, or Halberds (serving as a middle ground between Skeleton Spearmen and Grave Guard Halberds), or they could eschew the melee weaponry for Crossbows, making them into a rare Vampire Count missile unit, or even mix it up and become a spear and crossbow hybrid infantry unit. 

DLC Unit - Spirit Hosts 

Source: 8th Edition Vampire Counts Army Book

Type - Melee Infantry (Swarm) 

Typically, Spirit Hosts are a common sight in Sylvania, being a dread procession of ghosts and specters that are bound to the will of the Vampires and sent into battle as a ghastly swarm. The Spirit Hosts would be a low-entity Swarm unit (unlike the high-entities of the Nurglings), which would compensate for their low numbers by being Ethereal, possessing Magical Attacks, and light Regeneration. They would still be a low-tier unit, and their main purpose is to bog down enemy units with a swarm that they cannot cut through easily, but which in turn would not be a major threat on the battlefield. Still, their purpose would be to soak the damage and serve as an ample distraction for your more expensive units. 

DLC Unit - Coven Throne 

Source: 8th Edition Vampire Counts Army Book

Type - War Machine 

A ghastly carriage held aloft by the spirits of the damned, and driven by Vampiric Handmaidens, the Coven Throne is a terror upon the battlefield, as its mere presence saps the willpower of those who face it, and drives them to madness. Similar in size and design to the Mortis Engine (same boxset, after all), the Coven Throne would provide some much needed non-damage support to the Vampire Count frontlines. With the "Battle of Wills" aura effect, the Coven Throne saps the Melee Attack and Accuracy of nearby enemies, an effect that grows in strength the longer the Coven Throne is in combat. Ultimately, the Coven Throne may even drive the afflicted enemies to Rampage, making them lose all control.

DLC Unit - Incarnate Elemental of Death 

Source: Monstrous Arcanum 

Type - Monster 

A powerful Elemental entity, the Incarnate of Death is a being of unbidden magical power that will run rampant on the battlefield and reap the souls of all those who approach it. This large Monster unit will have a plethora of abilities, including Elemental attribute, Terror, high Ward Save, Consume Life (enemies that drop below a certain health threshold will be instantly killed, and regenerate a portion of the IEoD's health), Amethyst Fog (instead of regular attacks, it exudes an aura around itself that deals magical damage to nearby enemies), and The Hourglass of Shyish (a one-use ability that breaks the Hourglass that holds the IEoD together, dealing magical damage to all enemies in a wide area of effect).

Lastly, the Vampire Lord, Master Necromancer, Vampire, and Necromancer variants with the different Lores of Magic would just be there to fill out their Spellcasting options that they've had in 8th Edition. The Vampire Lords of Death and Shadows would have female models, whilst Vampires of Vampires (I know, sounds silly) would have male models. That way, Neferata's conversion mechanic would permit the player to change Human and Elven Lords and Heroes into Vampire without also potentially genderbending them in the process. The Master Necromancers and Necromancers of Death would mainly be there so that the player could get all Lores of Magic without having to wait for Vampiric Awakening to churn them out. 

And that should summarize my thoughts on what races, units, and characters should be added with the upcoming DLC. I personally disagree with High Elves being added namely because they are not in a desperate need of an update, and the only units they have left over are of a clear naval theme, meaning that they would clash with the serpentine, seductive, and enthralling themes that the remaining Slaanesh and Dark Elves units have. The Vampire Counts, on the other hand, would be much more fitting, especially with Neferata at the forefront. But hey, that's just my 2 cents, you guys can share your thoughts in the thread. 

Anyways, that's it from me, hope you enjoyed the read. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 8:05:06 PM

Tiloki9#2502 wrote:

My man, how do you see a 6-armed snake lady and think "yes, this is FLC material" ?

Dechala needs the DLC budget to animate !

People said that Arbaal would be the DLC Lord and Skulltaker would be the FLC, but it didn't pan out that way, now did it? 

Anyways, just because a Lord is FLC, doesn't necessarily mean they're low effort, the DLC stuff funds the FLC stuff after all.

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2 months ago
Dec 15, 2024, 8:09:48 PM

Kul#1679 wrote:

Adding slaves to the Dark Elves seems like a really interesting addition that would help expand out their mechanics similar to the Chaos Dwarfs. Probably not a highlight unit to showcase, but definitely one that would impact campaign gameplay more than anything else that could be added. 

Yeah, there's really not much in terms of missing units the Dark Elves have, but it is what it is. Besides, Kislev got its "Kislevite Warriors" with Shadows of Change 2.0, so cheap Tier 0 chaff is clearly not entirely off the table in terms of DLC content as far as CA is concerned, so I just went with it.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 16, 2024, 5:32:47 AM

​In my opinion, the character should be sexy and new for the development of the series, and the mask is the same demonette...

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2 months ago
Dec 16, 2024, 6:35:14 AM

Slaanesh vs Dark Elves vs whatever else (not Cathay)

Tullaris Legendary Lord

Shadowblade and Kouran LHs

Hag queen generic lord

Executioners Draichs 

Spellthirster with magic attack buffs

Magma Dragon 

Avatar of Khaine 

Lords of Oblivion/Manticore Lords

Mechanic True Chosen of Khaine 

Tullaris sacrifices slaves and captives to empower his own troops and amplify his stats and unlocks power buffs limited to his own army upon executing legendary lords 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 16, 2024, 7:00:29 AM

Cathay should be released after DOW or not at all, considering how SoC performed. 

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2 months ago
Dec 16, 2024, 7:34:19 AM

ND999#8144 wrote:

Hello, this is a quick Forum post I decided to make at the spur of a moment, so pardon if things aren't formatted in the best way. 

With Omens of Destruction just having released, I feel that we can expect the Slaanesh DLC that was originally planned to come out by now will be now in the works. So, without further ado, let's break down what I think could potentially be in the next DLC, and why I think they should be there. 

This DLC, which I've decided to name "Femme Fatale" for the fun of it, would include Slanesh (duh), Dark Elves, and Vampire Counts, with three (well, two and a half) female Legendary Lords leading each of their respective factions. Now, Slaanesh is a no-brainer, we need to round out the Chaos roster with Slaanesh-Marked Lords, Heroes, and Gors. Dark Elves, thematically, would be the best choice for the second race, especially since a lot of missing Slaaneshi units are also Dark Elf units (Cult of Pleasure specifically). And as for the third race, I think it should be Vampire Counts, namely because they are one of the top three races that are in desperate need of a Legacy Rework (the other two being Norsca and Bretonnia). The overall theme of the DLC would be "enslavement and seduction", and that is why I thought to pick out these three races in particular. Now, with all of the necessary preamble out of the way, let's get into the meat of it. 


Slaanesh DLC pack.jpg



DLC Legendary Lord - The Masque of Slaanesh

Source: 8th Edition Daemons of Chaos Army Book

As the last remaining named Lesser Daemon character that's not yet in the game, it only makes sense that the Masque would make its way into the DLC. She would be a strictly on-foot Legendary Lord that would excel at dueling enemies, and would gain benefits for being constantly on the move and cycle-charging (the Masque is an expert dancer, after all). Otherwise, she would just act as a superior version of a regular Herald of Slaanesh. For campaign mechanics, she could potentially have the Eternal Dance incorporated as a series of cycling objectives that can summed up as "go to X to do Y and receive Z as a reward" (for example "send an army to Bretonnia and defeat an army led by a Prophetess to receive a discount for Seducing Units", or "send any character to the Badlands and Assassinate any Goblin Hero to double the effects of Pleasurable Acts", etc.). Completing one objective would unlock another objective of higher difficulty and greater reward, and successively completing them earns you more and more of Slaanesh's favor, whilst failing them would earn you the Dark Prince's ire. Thus, each objective would be like a movement in a dance, and each victory is a step in the grand choreography that would demonstrate the Masque's skill as a peerless dancer. 

FLC Legendary Lord - Dechala the Denied One

Source: 5th Edition Champions of Chaos Army Book

Just as Arbaal was recently added to Khorne's roster, Dechala would be a fine addition to Slaanesh's. Once a beautiful High Elf noblewoman, Dechala was cursed cursed by a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, and mutated into a hideous serpentine form, which makes her the ideal choice for a Slaanesh DLC that features Elves. As a six-armed Warrior of Slaanesh clad in Chaos Armor, Dechala would make for a formidable melee combatant, and her special ability could be to swap between three different Dances of Slaanesh, allowing her to swap her fighting style mid-battle (similar to how Festus can swap between healing and hurting). As for campaign mechanics, I imagine her ability to make Elixirs of Damnations (a concoction brewed from corpse-fluids, and blood mixed with Warpstone that inflicts terrible mutations on its victims). I imagine a mechanic similar to the Forge or the Mortuary Cult, where she collects different Trade Resources and uses them to concoct different types of Elixirs. The Elixirs could then be used as pre-battle consumables, allowing her faction to Seduce enemy units before buffing them with stats and abilities. The higher the rarity of an Elixir and the more ingredients used, the higher its potency, bringing Dechala's alchemical skills to the fore. 

DLC Legendary Hero - Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer 

Source: White Dwarf #273

There's not a whole lot of Slaanesh characters left to add to the game, so one of Archaon's Lieutenants should do. As a Champion of Slaanesh who got possessed by a Daemon by the name of Sle'zuzu, Styrkaar received inhuman strength and rides into battle on the back of a Serpent of Slaanesh (which are affectionately referred to as "boob-snakes" by the community). During the End Times, he served as Sigvald's second-in-command, so Styrkaar being a Legendary Hero would be a fitting addition to a Slaanesh-focused DLC. Furthermore, many of the missing Slaaneshi units that'd be added here also ride on Serpents of Slaanesh, or are otherwise serpent-themed, so Styrkaar who rides on one would just be the most thematically fitting addition to the roster. In-game, he might even have the ability to bolster all Serpent-riding units whilst leading them on a headlong charge into the enemy lines. 

DLC Generic Lord - Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh

Source: 8th Edition Warriors of Chaos Army Book

Plain and simple, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord who bears the Mark of Slaanesh. Would have two variants, one using the Lore of Shadows and the other using the Lore of Slaanesh. The mortal spellcaster lord would not only bolster the ranks of Slaanesh's forces, but also those of the Warriors of Chaos, as Undivided Chaos Sorcerer Lords would be able to take on the Mark of Slaanesh and transform via the Path to Glory mechanic. In addition to Chaos Steeds, they should also have the option of Steeds of Slaanesh, and perhaps even Serpents of Slaanesh as mounts (Serpents could potentially be added for Chaos Lords of Slaanesh as well). Overall, just a roster filler that would provide more spellcasting to mortal Slaaneshi armies. 

DLC Generic Hero - Exalted Hero of Slaanesh

Source: 8th Edition Warriors of Chaos Army Book

Just as the Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh is just a Chaos Sorcerer Lord with the Mark of Slaanesh, the Exalted Hero of Slaanesh would just be an Exalted Hero bearing the same Mark. For Slaanesh, the Exalted Hero would provide a steadfast melee specialist Hero who could hold the frontlines, taking on a role that would otherwise have to be filled by the Chaos Lord of Slaanesh. For Warriors of Chaos, their Exalted Heroes would gain the ability to take on the Mark of Slaanesh, and in doing so fill out the last missing gaps in the Path to Glory mechanic. In terms of equipment, they could base him of the miniature pictured above and give them Hellscourges, whilst being able to mount Chaos Steeds, Chaos Chariots, and Steeds of Slaanesh. 

FLC Generic Lord - Druchii Anointed 

Source - Storm of Chaos 

Similar to how Grey Bray Shamans were added for free with the release of "the Silence & the Fury DLC", or how Golden Wizards were added with the "Thrones of Decay DLC", the Druchii Anointed could serve as a free addition to the forces of Slaanesh, the Warriors of Chaos, and the Cult of Pleasure. There were a lot of options for the Druchii Anointed, as they could have two Spellcasting variants, one using the Lore of Dark Magic and the other using the Lore of Slaanesh. Additionally, they could take a variety of weapons, including Swords and Shields, Dual Weapons, Great Weapons, Halberds, and Repeater Crossbows. As for mounts, they could ride on top of Chaos Steeds, Dark Steeds, Cold Ones, Steeds of Slaanesh, and Serpents of Slaanesh (albeit Steeds and Serpents of Slaanesh were one and the same back in 6th Edition when the Druchii Anointed was released). However, for the sake of simplicity, I think CA should just base the Druchii Anointed of their one available model, and have them wield Halberds whilst giving them Lore of Dark Magic and Lore of Slaanesh variants. Their inclusion would give the Cult of Pleasure access to the Lore of Slaanesh, and Slaanesh in turn (and by extension Warriors of Chaos) would gain access to the Lore of Dark Magic. 

DLC Unit - Hellreavers 

Source - 8th Edition Warriors of Chaos Army Book (sort of) 

Type - Melee Cavalry

Not a unit per say, as much an extrapolation of something that could have been possible. Similar to how Doom Knights of Tzeentch are just Champions of Tzeentch mounted on Disks that got turned into a unit, Hellreavers could be Champions of Slaanesh mounted on Serpents that become a unit as well. The name "Hellreaver" comes from the Champions that would lead units of Hellstriders in the tabletop game. This version of the unit would be slower than Hellstriders, but also tougher and would be able to stick in melee for much longer due to their increased survivability. Thus, whilst most of the army would cycle charge, the Hellreavers would keep the enemies pinned in place, taking on the brunt of the punishment with pleasure. 

DLC Unit - Pleasureseekers 

Source - Storm of Chaos

Type - Melee Cavalry

Whereas Hellreavers would be mortal champions mounted on Serpents of Slaanesh, Pleasureseekers would have Daemonettes as the riders. Just as Seekers of Slaanesh are Daemonic equivalents of Hellstriders, Pleasureseekers are the Daemonic counterparts to Hellreavers, eschewing Anti-Large capabilities for Armor-Piercing properties. Though they are decently fast, they are not as fast as Seekers, and so would take on the role of line-breakers, charging into the thick of enemy ranks and sowing fear and confusion into their hearts. However, as Daemonic units, they would also suffer the drawbacks of entirely dissipating rather than retreating once they are broken, meaning that they would not supplant Hellreavers as a unit. 

DLC Unit - Devoted of Slaanesh

Source - Storm of Chaos 

Type - Melee Infantry

As Dark Elf members of the Cult of Pleasure who became dedicated to the worship of Slaanesh, the Devoted are a specialized melee unit that is armed with Dual Weapons and bears the Soporific Musk ability (a contact effect that reduces Melee Defense and Melee Attack on targets hit). Thus, unlike Daemonettes or Witch Elves that specialize in dishing out damage, the Devoted of Slaanesh would be responsible for softening up enemies in preparation for a devastating flanking hit. Ergo, the Devoted would function best in a two-tier charge, where they strike first to soften an opponent, then cycle out whilst another unit charges in to deal the killing blow. Thus, they would have a place in both the armies of Slaanesh and Morathi alike. 

DLC Unit - Slaangors 

Source - 6th Edition Beasts of Chaos Army Book

Type - Melee Infantry

With the final Marked Gor variant added to the game, the Beastmen will finally be able to devote themselves to the Dark Prince in earnest. As Gors that bear the Mark of Slaanesh, the Slaangors receive all of the benefits that it brings, whilst also retaining their Primal Fury. In addition, they would also have Fiendish Musk (a passive ability unique to Slaanesh), which lowers Melee Attack and Movement Speed of nearby enemies). This would give Slaangors a unique place in both Slaaneshi and Beastmen army rosters, as they would slow down enemies and prevent them from escaping, making it much easier to pursue fleeing enemies. As for gear, I imagine they could either have Dual Weapons, Hellscourges, or two-handed swords. 

DLC Unit - Chaos Gorgon

Source - 4th Edition Chaos Army Book

Type - Monster 

Not to be confused with Ghorgons, the Chaos Gorgons are a relic of the past that has never been officially retconned (after all, there's an isle in Estalia called "Gorgon's Ola", and an archipelago in Naggaroth called "Gorgon's Land", as well as brief mentions of Gorgons living in Araby). The Chaos Gorgon (which is likely to be a reskinned Bloodwrack Medusae) would be the set-piece monster unit for Slaanesh's DLC, bearing Stony Skin (making it exceptionally tough), inflicting Venomous attacks on its enemies, and can cast its Petrifying Gaze (a bound spell) at any visible enemy unit, slowing them down or outright halting them in their tracks. Thus, the Chaos Gorgon would provide some much needed utility to the forces of Slaanesh. 

That should cover just about everything for the Slaaneshi portion of the DLC, but as mentioned above, I have ideas for the other two races as well. However, this post has gone on long enough, and I'd rather keep it at a reasonable length. Instead, I'll get around to posting about the Dark Elf and Vampire Counts sections as a reply to this thread whenever I get around to it (shouldn't be long). 

Anyways, I hope you all like the ideas I shared so far.

You get originality points from me for not assuming High Elves and Aislinn.

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2 months ago
Dec 16, 2024, 7:51:43 AM

Tiloki9#2502 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:


- Dechala LL

- Vandred LH 

- Sorcerer Lord 

- Exalted Hero

- Arch Fiend 

- Slaangors

- Pleasureseekers 

- Boob Snake Knights 

- Anointed/Devotes of Slaanesh 

FLC: Masque 


- Aislinn LL

- Caradryan LH 

- Anointed of Asuryan Lord

- Seahelm Hero

- Merwyrm 

- Skycutter (2 variants) 

- Ship Company 

- Stormreavers 

- Sea Rangers 

Skulls FLC Korhil LH


- Tullaris LL

- Shadowblade LH

- Kouran LH

- Hag Queen Lord 

- Pagowyrm 

- Statues of Khaine 

- Magma Dragon

- Manticore Riders 

- Draich Masters / City Guard / Spellthirster

CA have sold some bullshit over the years, but paying for a Pagowyrm as a unit when it's litteraly a recolor, would be a new low, for real

it wouldn’t just be a recolour but a new unit with a unique model. 

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