Existing Mechanics to other Factions

Yes to giving Races/Factions suitable Mechanics, Yes to removing extraneous ones
Yes to giving Races/Factions suitable Mechanics, No to removing extraneous ones
No reusing existing Mechanics, new material only/unique Mechanics for all
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a month ago
Dec 7, 2024, 6:37:09 PM

My argument-

As it stands I feel that some of the Race and Faction Mechanics could use a reshuffling, with some existing Mechanics fitting in extremely well, with a slight reskin, with other Factions. On the flipside, some Mechanics just don't lorefully make sense for certain factions to have. 

Below is a list of a few examples; 

  1. Give Dwarfs a renamed Scrap Mechanic (Runic Inscriptions or the like), bought with Oathgold. For a real kick, have them two tier, with the higher tier being activated when within range of a Runemaster or Runelord.
  2. Take away the Scrap Mechanic from the Greenskins. It doesn't fit with them at all. 
  3. Give Raise the Dead of limited VC units to the Followers of Nagash, or at least Arkhan
  4. Give a Chaos Warrior Warbands type Mechanic to the Knights of Bretonnia
  5. Give the Dwarfs, High Elves and Skaven something akin to Summon the Elector Counts, Offices or Tower of Zharr type Mechanic to represent a Council of Kings/Phoenix King's Court/Council of Thirteen. Link Skaven Confederation (inc. dead Factions) to this.
  6. Give the Menace Below to Dwarfs and Crooked Moon in some capacity
  7. Give Clan Pestilens a Plague Caldron of some kind.    
  8. Remove the Mortuary Cult from the Tomb Kings. It doesn't fit with them at all. Or at least have it focus on the Day of Awakening caps rather than magic items.  
  9. Remove Fleet Offices from Vampire Coast. It doesn't fit.
  10. Give a renamed Tribal Confederation to Tomb Kings and Vampire Coast.
  11. Add some version of Atamans to most, non-aggressive/Raid-heavy Races. 
  12. Give The Deeps Mechanic to Tomb Kings to reflect the City and the Necropolis for each settlements (I made a separate post about this some time back).

If you like these ideas and have other examples you can think of, please add them below.

Counter points-

Some people would never want their favourite Races/Factions to lose a Mechanic out of a fear it would make them weaker. For myself, I think lore matters more and such loses can be made up for by maybe slightly boosting things elsewhere, but I want to give people the option. 

Also, there is an argument to be made that reusing existing Mechanics would discourage originality in CA going forward- why come up with something new when you can just reuse something you already have and charge the same for it? Personally I think this argument is disingenuous, but I felt it was important to add the option to the poll.  

What are peoples thoughts?

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a month ago
Dec 7, 2024, 6:45:50 PM

It's all over the place, you want to massively empower some races and leave others with very little. The lore is a very wishy washy think to steam roll gameplay, balance and faction enjoyment considerations.

You say things don't fit using a blanket and vague lore excuse with no further analysis or explanation as to why. 

Overall you need to do a lot better than you have to be convincing anybody.

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a month ago
Dec 7, 2024, 7:01:06 PM

I don't agree that lore matters more. We're not exactly playing a simulator.

Neither do I agree stuff should be removed, because removing them from one race means they have to get something else and CA takes ages to design these things.

CA isn't charging us for copy and paste mechanics, as far as I know. The only situation that comes to mind with that is CoC, but that is just a design that particular factions has and CA did make 4 LLs. This isn't whats happening with OOD either, CA only applied old assets to new updates, everything made in the DLC is new, save for some presumable reskins.

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