Wrathmongers and Skullreapers discussion after stats reveal

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 7:23:10 PM

Hello CA adn hello community. When i heard of additing wrathmongers and skullreapers into the game i was happy and assumed that skullreapers will be the next step of evolution for chosen of khorne. armor-piercing damage, strong, powerfull etc. And wrathmongers will be a next evolution step for Aspiring Champions, that means 16 models in squad, super high stats from aspiring champions: ~100+ ap damage, splash, huge hp per model etc.

Stats were revealed in Skulltaker gameplay showcase and... Skullreapers are weaker then Chosen with dual weapons which is not accurate to the lore as far as i know. Wrathmongers have 32 models(which will be looking strange if 16 aspiring champions will improve into 32 wrathmongers))))  )  instead of huge stats for 16 models which should be bater than aspiring champions. Realease is on 12.12 so i'm not sure if it's still subject to change but it is at least subject to discuss) Share Your thougts on this please

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 8:00:35 PM

There hasn't been a reason to link Wrathmongers and Apsiring Champions so I wouldn't expect it to be a situation of one improving to the other. Skullreapers become Wrathmongers is the expected.

On top of that Wrathmonger combat stats look extremely impressive not much reason to worry about them.

Skullrepears might need some worry, I'm not sure how they'll end up better than Dual Axe Warriors.

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 8:33:25 PM
About improving/changing aspiring champions to wrathmonger was more of a theory... Empty place on warband screen.... Hopes, dreams, etc... I meant that how we're able to give mark of god to chaos warriors or chosen of chaos unit, the same way 'marked' aspiring champions were expected to be super unmarked unit, Which in case of getting mark of khorne will be wrathmongers. But again, just an ideas and theories.

Skullreapers... from what we have currently from showcase... skullreapers are comparable with chosen of khorne with dual axes.
                                             Chosen dual axes(80)                                         Skullreapers(60)
total hp                                         10480                                                                 8640
hp per model                                   131                                                                    144

Armor                                              130                                                                      60

Speed                                                28                                                                     35

melee def                                         49                                                                      42

melee atack                                      46                                                                     50

weapon dmg                                     69                                                                     64

charge                                               38                                                                     34

Unit cards say that Chosen with duals are tier 4 unit, and Skullreapers are tier 3 units. And that strange... But will see, it's interesting what community think about it)
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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 8:44:28 PM

while it doesn’t brilliantly reflect their TT rules, it seems they’re there to soft counter AP infantry.

AP is wasted against their low armour (as there’s usually a tradeoff against total damage) and they can seriously put the hurt back while apparently being ‘cost effective’.

Definitely a niche, even if it doesn’t reflect how they were in TT which was more like Aspiring Champions are in TWW

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 8:52:00 PM

Spellbound1875#4610 wrote:

There hasn't been a reason to link Wrathmongers and Apsiring Champions so I wouldn't expect it to be a situation of one improving to the other. Skullreapers become Wrathmongers is the expected.

On top of that Wrathmonger combat stats look extremely impressive not much reason to worry about them.

Skullrepears might need some worry, I'm not sure how they'll end up better than Dual Axe Warriors.

They won't. And if they are so cost effective, they will get nerfed and become even more obsolete late game. 

I don't like Skullreapers being a downgrade of Chosen one bit.

We obviously will have to see what the release brings and how unit actually performs, but stats are pretty much evident that the unit will sweep most infantry units early to mid game and then be useless late game in campaign comparing to EBs and Wrathmongers. Which isn't ideal, considering bloodletting have low armour, crumble, so are very fragile and unsuitable as a main line without more numbers to push through their own mass and Wrathmongers are the purest kind of infantry blender there is with no charge resistances and less armour. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 8:59:53 PM

Just making them both more elite versions of already elite units would have been frankly boring and bad game design. 

As is they at least have a role and a purpose. They're mid-high tier elite infantry killers.

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 9:05:27 PM

wrathmongers are fine but Skullreapers remain to be seen. Their stats are similar to Warriors but they have less entities…. So the individual Skullreaper is much stronger. 

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 9:08:35 PM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Just making them both more elite versions of already elite units would have been frankly boring and bad game design. 

As is they at least have a role and a purpose. They're mid-high tier elite infantry killers.

Everything in Khornes roster "kills infantry", this is how the roster is designed and Khorne always had the numbers to maim infantry to compensate for no ranged play and magic. Skullreapers don't bring in anything new being at elite tier infantry unit, that kills lesser infantry. Marauders of Khorne, Chaos Warriors of Khorne perform better than most infantry at their tier with Frenzy and beefy stats.

What Khorne was always missing for some reason is elite tier mortal AP infantry for the late game, which skullreapers would fit into very nicely. No, Wrathmongers are not that, because they lack the model count to be a mainline infantry and frankly they lack everything else to be a mainline unit. 

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 9:23:07 PM

Lord_Zarkov#7252 wrote:

while it doesn’t brilliantly reflect their TT rules, it seems they’re there to soft counter AP infantry.

AP is wasted against their low armour (as there’s usually a tradeoff against total damage) and they can seriously put the hurt back while apparently being ‘cost effective’.

Definitely a niche, even if it doesn’t reflect how they were in TT which was more like Aspiring Champions are in TWW

They have quite a lot of Speed too. They are a MP unit, I kid not. Units like Sisters of Slaughter are very niche'y and perform horribly in SP too, but shine in MP where spending budgets are so minimal and do very "cost effective" trade offs. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 9:29:52 PM

TopKek#2685 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Just making them both more elite versions of already elite units would have been frankly boring and bad game design. 

As is they at least have a role and a purpose. They're mid-high tier elite infantry killers.

Everything in Khornes roster "kills infantry", this is how the roster is designed and Khorne always had the numbers to maim infantry to compensate for no ranged play and magic. Skullreapers don't bring in anything new being at elite tier infantry unit, that kills lesser infantry. Marauders of Khorne, Chaos Warriors of Khorne perform better than most infantry at their tier with Frenzy and beefy stats.

What Khorne was always missing for some reason is elite tier mortal AP infantry for the late game, which skullreapers would fit into very nicely. No, Wrathmongers are not that, because they lack the model count to be a mainline infantry and frankly they lack everything else to be a mainline unit. 

They’ll also be amazing in SP since Skarr will probably buff the shit out of them. They seem to be a specialist unit compared to the staple Chaos Warriors/Chosen. Outside of Skarrs army you’ll probably barely use them and nor should you. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 9:38:36 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

TopKek#2685 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Just making them both more elite versions of already elite units would have been frankly boring and bad game design. 

As is they at least have a role and a purpose. They're mid-high tier elite infantry killers.

Everything in Khornes roster "kills infantry", this is how the roster is designed and Khorne always had the numbers to maim infantry to compensate for no ranged play and magic. Skullreapers don't bring in anything new being at elite tier infantry unit, that kills lesser infantry. Marauders of Khorne, Chaos Warriors of Khorne perform better than most infantry at their tier with Frenzy and beefy stats.

What Khorne was always missing for some reason is elite tier mortal AP infantry for the late game, which skullreapers would fit into very nicely. No, Wrathmongers are not that, because they lack the model count to be a mainline infantry and frankly they lack everything else to be a mainline unit. 

They’ll also be amazing in SP since Skarr will probably buff the shit if them. They seem to be a specialist unit compared to the staple Chaos Warriors/Chosen. Outside of Skarrs army you’ll probably barely use them and nor should you. 

The option to have a AP mortal infantry unit should be here and Skarr is one hero, so his buffs will be probably army only, unless he is lorefully the priest to make Skullreapers into Wrathmongers or whatnot. Objectively, there is also a chance that Bloodfathers will buff them. They are DLC and they do not look like they can dish out too much damage, so their only use are active ability buffs and statline buffs. 

I don't need anything amazing, I just need mortal AP infantry. But yeah, I came to terms with them being rather useless late game campaign sometime ago, I will just mod them out to beef them up.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 9:56:40 PM

TopKek#2685 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

TopKek#2685 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Just making them both more elite versions of already elite units would have been frankly boring and bad game design. 

As is they at least have a role and a purpose. They're mid-high tier elite infantry killers.

Everything in Khornes roster "kills infantry", this is how the roster is designed and Khorne always had the numbers to maim infantry to compensate for no ranged play and magic. Skullreapers don't bring in anything new being at elite tier infantry unit, that kills lesser infantry. Marauders of Khorne, Chaos Warriors of Khorne perform better than most infantry at their tier with Frenzy and beefy stats.

What Khorne was always missing for some reason is elite tier mortal AP infantry for the late game, which skullreapers would fit into very nicely. No, Wrathmongers are not that, because they lack the model count to be a mainline infantry and frankly they lack everything else to be a mainline unit. 

They’ll also be amazing in SP since Skarr will probably buff the shit if them. They seem to be a specialist unit compared to the staple Chaos Warriors/Chosen. Outside of Skarrs army you’ll probably barely use them and nor should you. 

The option to have a AP mortal infantry unit should be here and Skarr is one hero, so his buffs will be probably army only, unless he is lorefully the priest to make Skullreapers into Wrathmongers or whatnot. Objectively, there is also a chance that Bloodfathers will buff them. They are DLC and they do not look like they can dish out too much damage, so their only use are active ability buffs and statline buffs. 

I don't need anything amazing, I just need mortal AP infantry. But yeah, I came to terms with them being rather useless late game campaign sometime ago, I will just mod them out to beef them up.

That’s what I said. Make 1 full Skaramor Doomstack with Bloodreapers, Wrathmongers and Blood Beasts + Scyla and Skarr and have the other armies more focused on Warriors and Chosen. Thats at least what I’ll do with Arbaal. 

Arbaal + Skarr + Scyla will be the ultimate Skaramor Doomstack. 

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 11:04:25 PM

TopKek#2685 wrote:
Units like Sisters of Slaughter are very niche'y and perform horribly in SP too

SoS is questionable in all game modes. Their charge animations leave them surrounded and vulnerable at all sides.

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 11:27:40 PM

TopKek#2685 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Just making them both more elite versions of already elite units would have been frankly boring and bad game design. 

As is they at least have a role and a purpose. They're mid-high tier elite infantry killers.

Everything in Khornes roster "kills infantry", this is how the roster is designed and Khorne always had the numbers to maim infantry to compensate for no ranged play and magic. Skullreapers don't bring in anything new being at elite tier infantry unit, that kills lesser infantry. Marauders of Khorne, Chaos Warriors of Khorne perform better than most infantry at their tier with Frenzy and beefy stats.

What Khorne was always missing for some reason is elite tier mortal AP infantry for the late game, which skullreapers would fit into very nicely. No, Wrathmongers are not that, because they lack the model count to be a mainline infantry and frankly they lack everything else to be a mainline unit. 

They're lightly armoured which is a point of distinction. They already have Exalted Bloodletters which are elite AP. Being mortal isn't a distinction justifying filling the slot twice.

Khorne specialising in killing infantry really well is y'know, the point of Khorne. There's only so many ways to do that. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 11:37:52 PM

anyone who thought skullreaders and wrathdongers were going to be warband upgrades for chosen were sucking on some massive copium. 

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2 months ago
Dec 3, 2024, 12:09:14 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

anyone who thought skullreaders and wrathdongers were going to be warband upgrades for chosen were sucking on some massive copium. 

It's not a thing which a lot of people were waiting, just according to lore... skullreapers are more elite and powerful then chosen of khorne, even in TT as far as i know they are capable of taking 3 wounds and are really deadly. Also I am expecting that Valkia willl upgrade to skullreapers/wrathmongers from some other units... but also it is possible that skullreapers and wrathmongers will be gifted units, I will not get upset because of that))

TopKek#2685 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

TopKek#2685 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Just making them both more elite versions of already elite units would have been frankly boring and bad game design. 

As is they at least have a role and a purpose. They're mid-high tier elite infantry killers.

Everything in Khornes roster "kills infantry", this is how the roster is designed and Khorne always had the numbers to maim infantry to compensate for no ranged play and magic. Skullreapers don't bring in anything new being at elite tier infantry unit, that kills lesser infantry. Marauders of Khorne, Chaos Warriors of Khorne perform better than most infantry at their tier with Frenzy and beefy stats.

What Khorne was always missing for some reason is elite tier mortal AP infantry for the late game, which skullreapers would fit into very nicely. No, Wrathmongers are not that, because they lack the model count to be a mainline infantry and frankly they lack everything else to be a mainline unit. 

They’ll also be amazing in SP since Skarr will probably buff the shit if them. They seem to be a specialist unit compared to the staple Chaos Warriors/Chosen. Outside of Skarrs army you’ll probably barely use them and nor should you. 

The option to have a AP mortal infantry unit should be here and Skarr is one hero, so his buffs will be probably army only, unless he is lorefully the priest to make Skullreapers into Wrathmongers or whatnot. Objectively, there is also a chance that Bloodfathers will buff them. They are DLC and they do not look like they can dish out too much damage, so their only use are active ability buffs and statline buffs. 

I don't need anything amazing, I just need mortal AP infantry. But yeah, I came to terms with them being rather useless late game campaign sometime ago, I will just mod them out to beef them up. 

I really want to have skullreapers and wrathmongers as beasts closer to lore, and i'd like not to use mods  to get those units they should be. I personally like melee infantry the most in the game so... But we also should not forget about balance... adding 2 units stronger then chosen with duals is... risky... from the other hand, i'd rather prefer to have skullreapers with 2 handed weapons and armor-piercing damage, with less armor and less tanky then chosen, without anti-infantry bonus... in such a way they would be heavy hitting berserk alternative to tanky chosen, and would not take role from 100-model uunit of Exalted Bloodreapers, who also demons. And wrathmongers in this scenario would be low model count anty infantry blenders with splash attacks. I prefer not to use mod to get skullreapers or even wrathmongers to the point they should be, but i defenately will if i had to get them to proper state)

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2 months ago
Dec 3, 2024, 12:10:56 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

anyone who thought skullreaders and wrathdongers were going to be warband upgrades for chosen were sucking on some massive copium. 

It was completely plausible, especially given the existence of Blight Lords as well, though it looks like not the direction CA have gone.

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2 months ago
Dec 3, 2024, 12:42:44 AM

Lord_Zarkov#7252 wrote:
It was completely plausible, especially given the existence of Blight Lords as well, though it looks like not the direction CA have gone.

It was never possible, chosen don’t randomly just become Skaramor end times units when they get stronger. 

Seems a lot of people just looked at the cool models without reading the lore, happens regularly with end times stuff.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 3, 2024, 2:06:02 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

Lord_Zarkov#7252 wrote:
It was completely plausible, especially given the existence of Blight Lords as well, though it looks like not the direction CA have gone.

It was never possible, chosen don’t randomly just become Skaramor end times units when they get stronger. 

Seems a lot of people just looked at the cool models without reading the lore, happens regularly with end times stuff.

Skullreapers are a subsection of the Skaramor tribe, of which also include regular Khornate Chaos Warriors and assumedly Chosen as well considering they have Chaos Champions. It wasn’t clear one way or the other where they would come out in the upgrade path.

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2 months ago
Dec 3, 2024, 2:39:17 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Skullreapers are a subsection of the Skaramor tribe, of which also include regular Khornate Chaos Warriors and assumedly Chosen as well considering they have Chaos Champions. It wasn’t clear one way or the other where they would come out in the upgrade path.

Yes, but none of the current factions are the Skaramor. So the upgrade makes no sense.

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