Spell resistance

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13 days ago
Oct 31, 2024, 12:18:37 AM

I am really hoping CA will finally introduce a comprehensive spell resistance rework with this DLC. It currently (as far as I know anyway) does nothing to reduce effects of hexes and only reduces incoming damage from damage dealing spells and Khorne can totally use this stuff, considering he's all melee and no magic.

Updated 13 days ago.
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13 days ago
Oct 31, 2024, 1:15:43 AM

Maybe an ability to block spells cast also? I'm not sure if this is a lore thing or not, but assume some characters could. Maybe. 

It would also be fun if CA made units more vulnerable to spells via items and abilities. There is the Trickster Shard to do that, but that lowers resistances and doesn't increase spell effects on them. The only thing to do, to increase spell efficiency is through the Spell Mastery. 

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

at the least, it would be nice if spell resistance would reduce durations

If they will go through that route, then increasing proficiency should extend duration by default. It doesn't do that currently, so wouldn't make sense to do.

Updated 13 days ago.
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