Just to remember, sync kill animations from WH1/WH2 still broken

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4 months ago
Oct 27, 2024, 12:57:05 PM

Game is out for 2 years and a half, and the sync kill from WH1 and WH2 units and monsters are still broken and never trigger while WH3 unit's ones works fine.

I really would like to see CA fix this one day.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 10:14:51 AM

I've spend few hours trying to fix the issue but the bug seems to be hardcoded

Animations are is the game files and trigger as expected in asseteditor like the eagle

image loaded from urlBut impossible to make them trigger in game

This bug was also present in WH2 but a bit different.

In WH2, sync kill from WH1 units only trigger with WH1 units

In WH3 it's even worse, they don't trigger at all

Hope CA will finally take on this bug

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 6:58:28 PM

Animations make the battle aspect of this game fun, they need to fix it and add more of them!

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4 months ago
Oct 31, 2024, 9:55:54 AM

At least it's a "knwon issue" : https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/45-synckill-animation-from-monster-doesn-t-work-or-are-buged?page=1

for 7 years....

It's remind me the flickering shadow bug introduced in WH1 with WE dlc that was fixed 5 years later in WH2

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 31, 2024, 10:58:04 AM

The swooping attack for Griffons and Eagles is missing again. Haven't seen it in ages. They would pick up a model then fly up in a barrel roll loop throw the model then swoop in for another diving attack. Really miss seeing that 

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4 months ago
Oct 31, 2024, 11:24:04 AM

eomat#7953 wrote:

The swooping attack for Griffons and Eagles is missing again. Haven't seen it in ages. They would pick up a model then fly up in a barrel roll loop throw the model then swoop in for another diving attack. Really miss seeing that 


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4 months ago
Oct 31, 2024, 1:08:55 PM

eomat#7953 wrote:

The swooping attack for Griffons and Eagles is missing again. Haven't seen it in ages. They would pick up a model then fly up in a barrel roll loop throw the model then swoop in for another diving attack. Really miss seeing that 

This is one of the missing sync kill, not working since WH2 launch in mortal empire.

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a month ago
Jan 10, 2025, 3:16:22 AM

If only flying units can have a sync kill for mounted units, where the griffon plucks the rider off the horse and then does the barrel roll sync.

So much Harryhausen nostalgia...

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a month ago
Jan 10, 2025, 5:31:21 PM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Game1 and Game2? OoD animations are still broken. The Skulltaker is missing his spin and sync kill.

Nothing is broken in OoD animations you mention, they simply are something that was never added to the game. Someone in their marketing clearly fumbled and posted that video on Twitter before it was promptly taken down minutes later.

It never got into the game so it's not something we are entilted to demand. Maybe it was terribly bugged and they couldn't make it work and that's it. There's thousands of things that get made and then scrapped before release and we'll never know about them.

Same goes for the Decapitation you mention. There's a whole bunch of animations seen only in lord intro's that are not animations in the game. Grimgor's roar? Orion's horn? Tretch's taunt? I could go on and on. If you ask that single one then you better ask for everyones too.

Would i love both? Yea ofc. Is it sad that Heralds of Khorne have unique sync kills and Skulltaker has none? Indeed. But those things were never in the official release so nothing is "broken"..

Whole different issues are the official sync kills that have been in the game since WH1 and keep getting bugged out on and on for some reason or they have so specific and unique triggers that they might as well not be a thing to begin with.

I think the last time i saw an Arachnorok eat a Dwarf was in game 1 at this point.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 10, 2025, 6:45:55 PM

Yeah that's super annoying given how much hard work has gone into them. Maybe they are waiting to finalize game 3 before sweeping and fixing all this... Hmmm big cope 

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a month ago
Jan 11, 2025, 9:20:22 AM

John_Kimble#3765 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Game1 and Game2? OoD animations are still broken. The Skulltaker is missing his spin and sync kill.

Nothing is broken in OoD animations you mention, they simply are something that was never added to the game. Someone in their marketing clearly fumbled and posted that video on Twitter before it was promptly taken down minutes later.

It never got into the game so it's not something we are entilted to demand. Maybe it was terribly bugged and they couldn't make it work and that's it. There's thousands of things that get made and then scrapped before release and we'll never know about them.

Same goes for the Decapitation you mention. There's a whole bunch of animations seen only in lord intro's that are not animations in the game. Grimgor's roar? Orion's horn? Tretch's taunt? I could go on and on. If you ask that single one then you better ask for everyones too.

Would i love both? Yea ofc. Is it sad that Heralds of Khorne have unique sync kills and Skulltaker has none? Indeed. But those things were never in the official release so nothing is "broken"..

Whole different issues are the official sync kills that have been in the game since WH1 and keep getting bugged out on and on for some reason or they have so specific and unique triggers that they might as well not be a thing to begin with.

I think the last time i saw an Arachnorok eat a Dwarf was in game 1 at this point.

If they are not broken*, then it makes the situation a lot worse, because the DLC suffers from animation cuts.

*Me saying they are bugged is me giving CA the benefit of a doubt.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 11, 2025, 11:00:21 AM

The Palpatine spin is not a difficult animation to add in the game.  It can easily fit as Skulltaker's charge attack animation.

The only coding tweak needed is for his mass to be temporarily increased when he starts this charge attack animation, so he can bulldoze through a stretch of infantry as if he's a chariot.

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