Missile Chariots, Unit Attributes, Hybrid Infantry, Artillery and more.

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4 months ago
Sep 8, 2024, 12:06:56 AM

AI Missile Chariots are too passive.

Suggest changing missile chariot AI behavior from stationary, ranged cavalry harassers into melee focused chariot AI with a focus on cycle charging while firing. The following units could benefit,

Chaos Dwarfs: Iron Daemon, Dark Elves: Scourgerunner Chariots and *Cold one Chariots, Goblin Wolf Chariots, High Elves: Tiranoc Chariots, Khorne: Skullcannon, Kislev: Light/Heavy War sleds, Lizardmen: Ancient Stegodon, Norsca: *Ice Wolves Chariots, Tomb Kings: Skeleton Archer Chariot

*Add attribute "Fire Whilst Moving" This unit already does when under player control, however the AI requires these units be completely stationary before firing.

Centigors are suffering a forest penalty. (-80% Attack and Speed debuff)

They are the only Beastman large unit suffering from forests, this seems counter to the Beastmen.

Strange "No Forest Penalty" in "Toggle Details" page of most Beastmen large units.

Chariots and large lords don't have this "detail" yet don't suffer the forest penalty.

Suggest removal of "No Forest Penalty" from details, merge with the "Woodsman" attribute.

Unit Attributes and "Toggle Details"

Suggest shifting focus from "Toggle Details" and turning these functions into proper Unit Attributes/Passive Abilities, with clearer information on their functions.


Predatory Senses

Forest Stalker/Forest Spirit

Forest Strider

No Forest Penalty


Remove "Doomfire" from Hellcannon "TD" page, replace with "Guided Projectile" similar to Doom Diver Catapult, turn "Doomfire" into contact effect?

AI struggling with Close Quarters Missile Infantry

Attempts to fire through their own units, ignores clear fields of fire, constantly repositioning to their detriment. Often slowly inches into the frontline melee, where it refuses to disengage its ranged units, even when other melee units are engaging their targets, this helps lead to blobbing and easy exploitation. Long range units sometimes exhibit this behavior too.

Blunderbuss, Rangers (Throwing Axes), Irondrakes, Slayer Pirates, Grudge-rakers, Free Company Militia/Sartosa Militia, Iron Hail Gunners, Marauders (Throwing Axes/Javelines), Warpfire Throwers, Globadiers, Bombadiers.

These units are usually quite useful under human control but the AI refuses to simply let them fire or tells them to fire at blocked/weird angles.

Suggest a more aggressive AI behavior for certain ranged units to "pick and choose" their ranged/melee targets. Units like Free Company, Maneaters (Pistols), Slayer Pirates would benefit from charging, rather than trying to outgun dedicated ranged units.

Potential elite Hybrid missile Infantry are scaredy cats.

Infernal Guard (Fireglaives) Black Ark Corsairs (Handbows), Shades (All variants), Lothorn Seaguard, Shadow Warriors/Walkers, Sisters of Avelorn (And potentially other missile units) have strong melee attack/defense, comparable to equivalent Kislev units.

Suggest switching their AI into hybrids like Kislev that stand their ground, rather than fleeing from potentially weaker targets attempting to engage.

These units should still prefer pulling away to fire if superior allied melee units are engaging the same target.

Suggest testing an AI change for Skarbrand, Kholek Suneater and other giant, heavy and fast single entities into cycle chargers. Rather than remaining "stuck in" at all times.

Gnoblar Scraplauncher, Ironblaster and other inaccurate. artillery

The AI prefers using these units at their maximum ranges, leading to most shots missing, and often leaves the unit alone, undefended and quite exposed.

Suggest the AI should prefer moving up to about 200~250 range (The same as Leadbelchers) Other artillery like Little Grom and Soul Grinders might also benefit from staying closer to the action.

Suggest AI Bolt Throwers default to a 2x4 rank and file as they struggle once turning or repositioning is needed. Leave player freedom for 1x8 rank and file.

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4 months ago
Sep 8, 2024, 3:12:39 AM

Basically everything you've said sounds solid to me, though I can't back it all up with personal experience.

May I ask how you can tell whether a unit suffers forest penalty, if not by checking whether the unit card says it shouldn't?  Does it update the stats on the card in real time if you enter woods?  Does it show a different tooltip when you mouse over woods with the unit selected?  I've wondered about this before but never been sure of how to tell for certain.

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4 months ago
Sep 8, 2024, 5:16:39 AM

Great suggestions. Should make a few types of AI units more interesting to play against.

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2 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 2:24:20 PM

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:

how you can tell whether a unit suffers forest penalty, if not by checking whether the unit card says it shouldn't?  Does it update the stats on the card in real time if you enter woods?  Does it show a different tooltip when you mouse over woods with the unit selected?  I've wondered about this before but never been sure of how to tell for certain.

If you have, say an Empire Knight selected and mouse over a forest, after a moment it will show a "tip" informing large units suffer the debuff, same for infantry and water.

It does not update the stats of the unit card or show as a current affliction like poison in the top right corner of the unit card. No "This unit is currently fighting in a forest and receiving a debuff!" and is otherwise impossible to tell if the unit is suffering environmental penaltys.

Additionally, the "tip" says melee attack 80% Speed 80% in red, I've only recently realized this means the unit is reduced to 80% efficiency, and not the unit is not losing 80% of its Melee Attack/Speed. I thought for the longest time the units were reducing by 80%, Would it have been clearer if it said -20% MA/S?

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