The Old Debate about New Tzaangors Models only being for Age of Sigmar: Tell that to Space Marine 2!

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10 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 8:51:06 PM

The Title says it all, keep hearing new better updated Tzaangor Models that actually reflect them better in lore is Age of Sigmar only.

Space Marine 2 calls B.S on this with all it True Tzaangor game and cinematic story glory!

Also keep hearing C.A is still improving from what happen with Shadows of Change. Well true Beutiful Tzaangors in their full beakyness please for starters and while your at this, why not inclued the other unit types of them? Tzaangors with magic bows, Tzaangors with magic bows on flying disks, Tzaangors duel weilders, Tzaangors greatweapons and finally a Tzaangor Mage Hero with lore of tzeentch on a flying disk for Beastman only. Giving them new lore to play around with in a Tzeentch dedicated Beastman themed way. Basically you could make a heard army of Tzeentch worshipers.      

I would allso support this for the Pestigors, with Gamesworkshop support in making new model types for them with a Pestigor Mage type to give Beastmen access to the lore of Nugle for Nugle themed heard armies. ( I would also say I'm a litte dispointed in the Pestigors for some of them not haveing open Nugle stomachs, but saying that, that might be hard due to the weapons they use for their animation. Not to say they can't get them for a new models that doesn't  have this problem of a weapon crossing their stomachs ;) )

Good self themed story making fun!

Updated 10 days ago.
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9 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 9:48:49 PM
Ah, but they don't use the old Thousand Sons chaineswords and hand guns 40k models versison for the game, they use the updated  Age of sigmar version of them with normal weapons, and shields. This was in a Fight in Space Marine 2 and the question is why is it 4ok is allowed to use the new models for theirs games, but not Classic Wahammer with Warhammer 3?

It's B.S! 
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9 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 10:35:54 PM

They don't use the same models because of internal conflict within GW.

Dual use kits are being largely phased out in favour of kits that are exclusive to one game mode or another. This is most evident with The Old world. It's an asinine internal conflict, but it is what it is.

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9 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 10:44:12 PM

TBH I'm ambivalent about the bird Tzaangor design, it is however 100× by the phoned in trash models CA got away with delivering in SoC. 

My outrage with the Tzaangors we got is how lazy and uninspired their decision to just recolour gors blue and call it a day was. Tzeentch, the god most famous for providing the most wild bewildering mutations, should have something more substantial than "gors with the blue slider dialed up"

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9 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 11:28:56 PM

kingsk11#1946 wrote:
Ah, but they don't use the old Thousand Sons chaineswords and hand guns 40k models versison for the game, they use the updated  Age of sigmar version of them with normal weapons, and shields. This was in a Fight in Space Marine 2 and the question is why is it 4ok is allowed to use the new models for theirs games, but not Classic Wahammer with Warhammer 3?

It's B.S! 

The chainsword and autopistol is an upgrade kit, but Tzaangors can also just use the sword and shield. The issue is that Tzaangors are boxed for AoS and 40k, WHFB isn't a supported game anymore. TOW is treated as a new IP that is also in the specialiat design studio.

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9 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 11:32:43 PM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:
My outrage with the Tzaangors we got is how lazy and uninspired their decision to just recolour gors blue and call it a day was. Tzeentch, the god most famous for providing the most wild bewildering mutations, should have something more substantial than "gors with the blue slider dialed up"

That's not the case.

image loaded from urlimage loaded from url

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 3:45:11 AM

But I like the current Tzeentch-gors.  They have new goat-face models compared to their drab brethren.  A simple beak would be so uninspired compared to their more unearthly albino hairless goat faces (compared to their drab earthy lessers).

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 5:29:25 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

But I like the current Tzeentch-gors.  They have new goat-face models compared to their drab brethren.  A simple beak would be so uninspired compared to their more unearthly albino hairless goat faces (compared to their drab earthy lessers).

Pretty sure the current ones are just recolours.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 7:38:28 AM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:
Pretty sure the current ones are just recolours.

There's a post, like, 2 posts up that shows they aren't.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 10:01:10 AM

Tzaangors always had beaks and avial features in FB as per their description, they just didn't have models.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 10:36:22 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:
My outrage with the Tzaangors we got is how lazy and uninspired their decision to just recolour gors blue and call it a day was. Tzeentch, the god most famous for providing the most wild bewildering mutations, should have something more substantial than "gors with the blue slider dialed up"

That's not the case.

image loaded from urlimage loaded from url

It is a full remodel. Even the snout is unique.

I understand - to some degree, at least - preferences, but denying uniqueness of Tzaangors is genuinely irritating me. No wonder the abominable CoC was well-received when so many people can't tell the difference.

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8 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 10:01:34 PM

Huh, so not recolours. Muh bad.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 1:22:32 PM

Mogwai_Man#4978 wrote:

40k and AoS use the same kit.

And TWWIII/TOW use the modern Keepers of Secrets just like 40K and AoS right now.

There is literally no justification here.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 1:45:55 PM

Ben1990#8909 wrote:

Mogwai_Man#4978 wrote:

40k and AoS use the same kit.

And TWWIII/TOW use the modern Keepers of Secrets just like 40K and AoS right now.

There is literally no justification here.

TOW doesn’t have Keepers of Secrets in the main game at all, daemons are hived off as an unsupported ’legacy faction’ along with everything else they want to keep in AoS. Chaos Warriors being the only exception (and even there they’re selling separate models).

Bit nuts, but there we are.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 2:40:08 PM

Lord_Zarkov#7252 wrote:
TOW doesn’t have Keepers of Secrets in the main game at all, daemons are hived off as an unsupported ’legacy faction’ along with everything else they want to keep in AoS.

I mean, they still have a useable army list, don't they?

Edit:  Ooh, I just looked at their TOW list and noticed they've already added Brimstone Horrors to TOW in that list.

Updated 8 days ago.
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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 2:54:19 PM

Lord_Zarkov#7252 wrote:

Ben1990#8909 wrote:

Mogwai_Man#4978 wrote:

40k and AoS use the same kit.

And TWWIII/TOW use the modern Keepers of Secrets just like 40K and AoS right now.

There is literally no justification here.

TOW doesn’t have Keepers of Secrets in the main game at all, daemons are hived off as an unsupported ’legacy faction’ along with everything else they want to keep in AoS. Chaos Warriors being the only exception (and even there they’re selling separate models).

Bit nuts, but there we are.

Wait some. Chaos Daemons will come when GW realizes how idiotic their lore change they presented in WoC is.

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