With Legends leaks being false, it debunks the End Times DLC

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 5:22:22 AM

Both Legend and the Total War Centre Leaks were proven false.

r/totalwar - Potential leaks on future total war games

This means that so called End Times DLC was a bunch of baloney . Thank Sigmar. This Khorne DLC coming up will finally prove that the End Times models (now AoS) are off limits.

There are enough missing units for Khorne without pulling for End Times anyway. 


Blood Chariot 


Brass Sisters

Chaos Siege Giant

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 5:26:39 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
This Khorne DLC coming up will finally prove that the End Times models (now AoS) are off limits.

Except CA are using End Times models.

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Brass Sisters

Not a unit

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Chaos Siege Giant

...has absolutly nothing to do with Khorne. ​

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 5:31:14 AM

I'm personally just left annoyed that he chose to create controversy by posting rubbish about Cathay. I'd dismiss every single prediction he's made, and I'd suggest he's a bad actor. 

I do hope Khorne gets all the ET goodies. It deserves them. And frankly without them the DLC will be lacklustre. X of Y isn't good enough when they have actually good units on the table. 

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 5:35:23 AM

Good.  End Times should never be invoked by name.

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
This means that so called End Times DLC was a bunch of baloney . Thank Sigmar. This Khorne DLC coming up will finally prove that the End Times models (now AoS) are off limits.

Until the Skaven, Nagash, or 2nd Nurgle DLC proves that they aren't.

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 6:15:46 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Nope, no official models. Off limits.

Arkhan is using his ET model. The same that he is using in AoS. And so will Neferata.


NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

Slaughterbrute anyone?

What about it? While it wasn't a Khorne-aligned unit in WHFB, it's understandable why it can be placed in a Khorne DLC.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 6:21:57 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Nope, no official models. Off limits.

Arkhan is using his ET model. The same that he is using in AoS. And so will Neferata.


NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

Slaughterbrute anyone?

What about it? While it wasn't a Khorne-aligned unit in WHFB, it's understandable why it can be placed in a Khorne DLC.

All happened before the AoS/Old World internal struggle. Besides, I was talking about stuff introduced in the End Times like Wrathmongers ect. Old stuff using updated models don't seem off limits. 

While the Chaos Siege Giant wasn't a Khorne-aligned unit in WHFB, it's understandable why it can be placed in a Khorne DLC.

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 6:27:54 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

ll happened before the AoS/Old World internal struggle. Besides, I was talking about stuff introduced in the End Times like Wrathmongers ect. Old stuff using updated models don't seem off limits.

TWW isn't even based on the Old World, so that conspiracy theory is out of place.

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
While the Chaos Siege Giant wasn't a Khorne-aligned unit in WHFB, it's understandable why it can be placed in a Khorne DLC.

And why is that? Slaughterbrute share general Khorne motives, even its name sounds Khorne-ish. In AoS it actually got Mark of Khorne, so it's obvious why it can be associated with Khrone.

Chaos Siege Giant is a Chaos Dwarfs-themed WoC unit, like Hellcannon. There is no connection with Khorne whatsoever.

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 7:35:25 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:
TWW isn't even based on the Old World, so that conspiracy theory is out of place.

End Times/Old World/WHFB all are in the same universe but have separate licenses, multiple former GW employees have confirmed that, and I believe them over random people on the forum saying "nah uh" because they like the End Times. Guess you'll find out when the Khorne DLC is revealed and no End Times units are in it, that "No End Times" in the Q&A was not a nothing burger.

SerPus#7395 wrote:

And why is that? Slaughterbrute share general Khorne motives, even its name sounds Khorne-ish. In AoS it actually got Mark of Khorne, so it's obvious why it can be associated with Khrone.

Chaos Siege Giant is a Chaos Dwarfs-themed WoC unit, like Hellcannon. There is no connection with Khorne whatsoever.

Slaughterbrutes are broken by chaos sorcerers dude, not very Khornish to begin with apart from the red and melee. Chaos Dwarfs and WoC are not getting another DLC so the Chaos Siege Giant has to come with Khorne, but we'll get an Undivided Variant for Chaos Dwarfs and WoC similar to the Ghorgon

Screenshot (407).png

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 7:40:19 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Slaughterbrutes are broken by chaos sorcerers dude, not very Khornish to begin with

Is it like so obvious  is gonna be in the khorne dlc as except this part everything  about this beast fits the theme perfectly  and definitely  a much better centerpiece  unit then a giant who is not even much khorne coded to begin with 

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 7:47:03 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
End Times/Old World/WHFB all are in the same universe but have separate licenses

If the End Times is a separate license then CA using stuff from it means that they have that license.

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Guess you'll find out when the Khorne DLC is revealed and no End Times units are in it

Find out what exactly? CA not using these particular units means only that they aren't using these units. Now if CA suddenly change Lahmian faction icon, or Nagash and Skaven DLCs won't use the End Times stuff then sure, it would become obvious that CA lost access to the End Times materials. 


NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Slaughterbrutes are broken by chaos sorcerers dude, not very Khornish

Oh yes, that's what I was talking about for years. But CA adding Mutalith Vortex Beast to Tzeentch makes it obvious that they would also follow the same way with Slaughterbrute.

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Chaos Dwarfs and WoC are not getting another DLC

When did CA announce that? I guess I missed the notification.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 7:51:19 AM

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
Slaughterbrutes are broken by chaos sorcerers dude, not very Khornish to begin with

Is it like so obvious  is gonna be in the khorne dlc as except this part everything  about this beast fits the theme perfectly  and definitely  a much better centerpiece  unit then a giant who is not even much khorne coded to begin with 

Not saying the Slaughterbrute wont be a Khorne unit, we've seen the Vortex Beast go to Tzeentch. Just saying Giants can take marks and makes sense a giant retrofitted for war comes in the Khorne DLC. Its like the only Chaos Ogres we got came with Nurgle not Tzeentch in SoC. CA is not giving everything to every monogod.

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 9:44:05 AM

Wrathmongers cometh


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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 10:56:08 AM

I think we ll get something like this


Arbaal the Undefeated

Scilla Anfingrim

Skulltaker - 100th flc LL lol


Bloodcrushers of Khorn with Enscrolled Weapons

Khorn Ogres with weapon variants
Khorn Gaint


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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 11:52:52 AM

Which is actually kind of nice that we don't have to wait for Nagash at the very end of the game's support. And therefore we can expect in the next year or at most in a year, as well as Neferata which will be perfect for the Chaos Champions DLC style, as well as Tankuol which could be the 100th LL

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 12:03:20 PM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:
All happened before the AoS/Old World internal struggle.

First you say "CA haven't added any ET models or units"

someone brings up Arkhan with his ET model, and Silverin Guard as well

and then you move the goalposts and say "Well that happened before"

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3 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 12:08:59 PM

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:

Which is actually kind of nice that we don't have to wait for Nagash at the very end of the game's support. And therefore we can expect in the next year or at most in a year, as well as Neferata which will be perfect for the Chaos Champions DLC style, as well as Tankuol which could be the 100th LL

I mean we can’t expect anything. Maybe a Slaanesh DLC next and maybe Dogs of War after that. Maybe Nagash before then, but it’s not a done deal either way.

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