Warhammer Monthly: Dedication

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a year ago
Oct 6, 2023, 6:43:50 PM


Open image in new tab.

I can apparently change the image size in the post itself, but not sure how that will end up. Probably have to do some experimenting tomorrow. I don't even understand why the third picture is next to the second, since in the edit version they are all under each other.

Compared to the old forum

  • no preview version to check a post before posting, is feeling like a step back.
  • also apparently I can't "link" an image from an outside source. Images will automaticly uploaded to the forums server. So not sure how good picture heavy topics might work out.
  • we also seem to not have a spoiler tag option. Which again, might be trouble for a structured layout.

-----Red Dox

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 6, 2023, 7:04:41 PM
SirEyeball#3739 wrote:

Can you do these with the links to previous ones like in the old forum?

Probably. But I have to manually format all the links new. And


in the past I used the spoiler tags for structure reasons. Since this forum has no spoiler tag, I have to do it differently. And obviously without the spoiler tag, things like in case of Malus Darkblade, or Dogs of War, could really stretch a post hard. Have also not checked where the character limit is in this forum. I know I have scratched the limits in the old forum on occasion already with longer topics ^^

This forum is just not as "post friendly" as the old one. No draft-saves for example is another huge handicap, since on longer topics I worked weeks or months. And going back to the latest draft is certainly easier then to copy&paste everything to a desktop file for safe keeping during breaks.

-----Red Dox

Updated a year ago.
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