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Greetings folks,

Today we're rolling out Hotfix 5.2.5, bringing with it a variety of bug fixes and tweaks to improve the gameplay experience.

Read on for the full details...



  • The Blue Scribes' skill ‘Tzeentch's Quaestors’ now correctly modifies the Assassinate action, rather than Wound (which they did not have!).


  • Special settlements (e.g., Altdorf, Karaz-a-Karak, etc.) will now correctly use the Wood Elf settlement battle map when occupied by Wood Elves.


  • Fixed an issue where the edges of The Great Canal, south of Cathay, appeared jagged; the canal's edges should now display smoothly.
  • Fixed an issue in The Lost Valley where building assets for a landmark near the settlement of Oyxl were visible despite being covered by the Fog of War.


  • Fixed an issue where the Korean translation of ‘Livery’ was incorrectly displayed as ‘Symbol’; it has now been corrected to ‘Horse House.’
  • Fixed an issue where a Lord's name in the Visions of the Old Ones mission panels was not localized.



  • The AI has been improved in chokepoint battles to prioritise moving swiftly through chokepoints when under fire, rather than reforming or trying to cross while in formation. This enhancement increases the overall challenge and reduces the dominance of artillery and ranged units in these scenarios.
  • Fixed the disabled AI skirmish mode for isolated units; it will now be disabled only when it is clear that the unit will lose, preventing unnecessary prolongation of the battle.
  • Fixed an issue where AI-controlled units were moving chaotically in some quest battles while incorrectly waiting for reinforcements.


  • We've asked the flying trees in Dwarf Mountains to calm down, thereby resolving an issue with them floating above the ground during battles.
  • Nan-Gau is no longer affected by random fires, and specific assets have been grounded properly, fixing the issue where they were floating above the battlefield.
  • Fixed an issue on ‘The Shifting Monolith’ map where the camera could move under a lavafall, revealing unintended areas of the map.


  • Fixed black spots on the Chaos Sorcerer, caused by transparency maps being turned off at different levels of detail (LODs).
  • Fixed an issue where parts of the Marauders of Khorne's armour would disappear due to LOD errors.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the inner wall of the cabins on the Thunderbarge and The Spirit of Grungni.

As always, thank you all for your feedback and bug reports. If you experience any new bugs or issues after updating to 5.2.5 please be sure to report them over in our dedicated bug reporting area.

See you on the battlefield!

—The Total War Team


If you experience any issues after downloading the update, please take a moment to Verify the integrity of the game files first to ensure there were no issues when downloading. A step-by-step guide can be found in this article. If the issues persist, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.


Please note that user-generated mods may have compatibility issues with new game updates. If you are encountering performance or stability issues following a release, is recommended that you disable any mods you're running. If you continue to experience issues, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.