UPDATE [16/12/2024 15:40 GMT]:

Some additional battle balancing amendments have been added as part of Hotfix 6.0.1. You can find these detailed at the bottom of the page below the Update 6.0.0 changes.

Greetings folks,

The day is nearly upon us! Omens of Destruction, the latest DLC for Total War: WARHAMMER III, arrives tomorrow alongside Update 6.0!

As with our last major patch, we've chosen to split out the battle balancing details from our main Release Notes whilst we resolve an issue with our News posts, so if you haven't already seen the complete 6.0 Update Notes and you're looking for the full meaty goodness of everything coming your way, head here to our main release notes blog: Update 6.0 Full Release Notes.

With this update, we are expecting that players on Steam will experience a longer than normal patching time. The download size for this update is anticipated at around 16GB, however it will need to manage around 106GB of your current install in order to apply the update. This often causes confusion that the download itself is quite large, which isn't the case in this instance. Players with lower Hard Disk speeds may experience longer install times while the patch is applied. Conversely, players on the Microsoft store can anticipate a full redownload of the game, expected at around 119GB.

With that said, further down this article you'll find a full list of the rebalancing, split into Factions, followed by any adjustments to Abilities. You can use your browser's Find on Page function (Ctrl+F) to jump directy to the factions you're interested in reading about.

Let's jump into it!

twwh3_design_blog_post_header_chaos_dwarfs-1536x486 (1).pngCHAOS DWARFS

Zhatan the Black 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 850 

Zhatan the Black [Mount: Great Taurus] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1450 

Zhatan the Black [Mount: Lammasu] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1550 

Hobgoblin Archers 

  • Number of Entities: 90 -> 120 
  • Base Missile Damage: 12 -> 11 
  • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 3 -> 2 



Daemon Slayer 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 800 -> 900 

Dragon Slayer 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 700 


  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 3200 -> 3400 
  • Removed Collision Attacks 

The Spirit of Grungni 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 3600 -> 3800 
  • Removed Collision Attacks 



Steam Tank, Steam Tank (Volley Gun), The Emperor’s Wrath (Steam Tank), Master Engineer [Mount: Steam Tank]

All Steam Tanks have been hit with a mobility nerf to make them less effective in Melee Combat. 

  • Acceleration: 4 -> 0.7 
  • Run Speed: 48 -> 40 
  • Charge Speed: 84 -> 70 
  • Turn Speed: 60 -> 30 

Land Ship, Amethyst Land Ship, The Wonder of the Age (Land Ship) 

  • Ammo of Secondary Missile Weapon: 180 -> 100 
  • Run Speed: 55 -> 50 
  • Charge Speed: 84 -> 80 




Black Orcs Rename and update

  • The Black Orcs unit has been renamed to Black Orcs (Great Weapons) to better follow our naming conventions for weapon variants across the game, with the introduction of the new Black Orcs (Axe & Shield) in this update.
  • The Krimson Killerz have been rebalanced to match our dual weapon unit variant stat profiles.
  • We have also added 2 new abilities for the Black Orc units: Unstoppable Choppas and Immovable Bulwark.These abilities are toggle-able and are used situationally to further push the units strengths:
    • Black Orcs gain Immovable Bulwark which can further increase the defensive capabilities at the cost of their offensive stats. 
    • Black Orcs (Great Weapons) gain Unstoppable Choppas which can increase their offensive capabilities at the cost of reducing their defensive stats. 
    • The Krimson Killerz Regiment of Renown, however, has access to both abilities, but only one can be active at a time. 

Grom the Paunch

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1250 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1500 -> 1250 
  • Upkeep Cost: 350 -> 312 

Da Big Un (Rogue Idol) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2700 -> 2600 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2700 -> 2600 
  • Upkeep Cost: 675 -> 650 

Black Orc Big Boss 

  • Base Weapon Damage: 220 -> 120 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 170 -> 270 
  • Enemy Size for Allowing Splash Attacks: large -> medium 

Black Orc Big Boss [Mount: Warboar] 

  • Missile Block Chance %: 35 -> 55 
  • Enemy Size for Allowing Splash Attacks: large -> medium 

Goblin Great Shaman [Mount: Arachnarok Spider (Catchweb Spidershrine)] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2050 -> 1850 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1900 -> 1850 
  • Upkeep Cost: 475 -> 462 

Wurrzag [Mount: Spleenrippa] 

  • Base Weapon Damage: 100 -> 245 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 240 -> 95 

Krimson Killerz (Black Orcs) 

  • Melee Attack: 50 -> 43 
  • Melee Defence: 30 -> 46 
  • Charge Bonus: 35 -> 42 
  • Base Weapon Damage: 20 -> 51 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 30 -> 21 

The Arachnarok Queen (Arachnarok Spider) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2200 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2400 -> 2200 
  • Upkeep Cost: 600 -> 550 

Lava Arachnarok Spider 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 1900 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2400 -> 1900 
  • Upkeep Cost: 600 -> 475 

Goblin Big Boss 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 250 -> 300 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 500 -> 300 
  • Upkeep Cost: 125 -> 75 
  • Melee Attack: 40 -> 50 
  • Melee Defence: 48 -> 45 
  • Base Weapon Damage: 240 -> 250 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 120 -> 125 

Goblin Big Boss [Mount: Giant Wolf] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 400 -> 450 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 600 -> 450 
  • Upkeep Cost: 150 -> 113 
  • Melee Attack: 40 -> 50 
  • Melee Defence: 48 -> 45 
  • Charge Bonus: 50 -> 40 
  • Base Weapon Damage: 240 -> 250 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 120 -> 125 

Goblin Big Boss [Mount: Giant Spider] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 500 -> 550 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 700 -> 550 
  • Upkeep Cost: 175 -> 138 
  • Melee Attack: 40 -> 48 
  • Melee Defence: 48 -> 44 
  • Charge Bonus: 60 -> 40 
  • Base Weapon Damage: 240 -> 250 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 120 -> 125 
  • Entity Mass: 700 -> 1400 
  • Turn Speed: 120 -> 180 

Goblin Big Boss [Mount: Goblin Wolf Chariot] 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 800 -> 550 
  • Upkeep Cost: 200 -> 138 

Orc Shaman [Mount: Warboar] 

  • Base Weapon Damage: 90 -> 215 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 220 -> 95 

Orc Warboss 

  • Missile Block Chance %: 35 -> 55 

Orc Warboss [Mount: Warboar] 

  • Melee Defence: 47 -> 46 
  • Missile Block Chance %: 35 -> 55 
  • Base Weapon Damage: 149 -> 120 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 347 -> 280 

Orc Warboss [Mount: Orc Boar Chariot] 

  • Melee Attack: 34 -> 42 
  • Melee Defence: 14 -> 26 
  • Charge Bonus: 150 -> 80 
  • Missile Block Chance %: 35 -> 55 

Black Orcs (Great Weapons) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1050 -> 1100 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1050 -> 1100 
  • Upkeep Cost: 262 -> 275 
  • Melee Attack: 36 -> 38 
  • Melee Defence: 31 -> 32 
  • Charge Bonus: 29 -> 36 

Arachnarok Spider 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1900 -> 1700 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1900 -> 1700 
  • Upkeep Cost: 475 -> 425 




 All Juggernaut Units 

  • Run Speed: 62 -> 70 
  • Charge Speed: 110 -> 120 

Skullcrushers of Khorne 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1800 -> 1700 
  • Upkeep Cost: 450 -> 425 

Chaos Furies (Khorne) 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 550 -> 650 
  • Upkeep Cost: 138 -> 163 


Chaos Warriors of Khorne (Dual Weapons) 

  • Upkeep Cost: 237 -> 238 

Flesh Hounds of Khorne 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 700 -> 750 
  • Upkeep Cost: 175 -> 188 

Soul Grinder of Khorne 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1900 -> 1750 
  • Upkeep Cost: 475 -> 438 

Spawn of Khorne 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1000 -> 1050 
  • Upkeep Cost: 250 -> 263 

Bloodreaper [Mount: Juggernaut of Khorne] 

  • Melee Attack: 60 -> 63 
  • Melee Defence: 35 -> 37 

Herald of Khorne [Mount: Juggernaut of Khorne] 

  • Melee Attack: 65 -> 68 
  • Melee Defence: 40 -> 42 

Marauders of Khorne (Dual Weapons) 

  • Upkeep Cost: 137 -> 138 

Chosen of Khorne (Dual Weapons) 

  • Upkeep Cost: 362 -> 363 

Marauder Horsemen of Khorne (Throwing Axes) 

  • Upkeep Cost: 168 -> 169 

Chaos Knights of Khorne 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1500 -> 1400 
  • Upkeep Cost: 375 -> 350 

Chaos Knights of Khorne (Lances) 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1500 
  • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 375 



Druzhina [Mount: Warhorse] 

  • Armour: 65 -> 95 

The Golden Knight Naryska Leysa [Mount: Warhorse] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1250 -> 1200 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1250 -> 1200 
  • Armour: 120 -> 130 

Boris Ursus [Mount: Warhorse] 

  • Armour: 105 -> 115 

Boris Ursus [Mount: Urskin] 

  • Armour: 105 -> 115 

Boyar [Mount: Warhorse] 

  • Armour: 105 -> 115 

Boyar [Mount: War Bear] 

  • Armour: 105 -> 115 

Ulrika Magdova [Mount: Warhorse] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1150 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1150 
  • Armour: 50 -> 80 



Marauder Berserkers 

  • Charge Bonus: 35 -> 42 
  • Run Speed: 37 -> 40 
  • Charge Speed: 44 -> 48 

Brutes of the Hound (Marauder Berserkers) 

  • Charge Bonus: 35 -> 42 
  • Run Speed: 37 -> 40 
  • Charge Speed: 44 -> 48 


Chaos Warriors of Nurgle (Great Weapons) 

  • Melee Attack: 31 -> 33 

Chosen of Nurgle (Great Weapons) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1550 -> 1450 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1550 -> 1450 
  • Upkeep Cost: 388 -> 363 

Warhammer_Release_Notes_Header_Ogre_Kingdoms.pngOGRE KINGDOMS

Wall breaking

  • Ogres presented a unique challenge for siege battles in WH3, as they are almost entirely composed of units that cannot man siege engines or climb ladders, severely limiting their options. We initially addressed this by allowing all Ogre units to attack walls and granting them a siege ability that instantly destroys walls. However, this approach ended up swinging things too far in the other direction, as even the lowliest Ogre could demolish a wall. Our goal now is to restrict wall-destroying abilities to the larger Ogre units and make interactions more intuitive (Big beasties can smash walls, Leadbelcher cannons can shoot walls!).
    • Revised the distribution of the Wallbreaker attribute for the Ogre roster, primarily limiting them to the Cavalry, Monsters, Lords and Hero categories. 
    • Revised the bonus damage vs buildings for several units. 
    • Leadbelchers are now able to shoot at walls. 

Ogre Infantry 

  • Removed Attribute(s) 
  • Wallbreaker 


  • Damages Buildings: true -> false 
  • Building Damage Multiplier %: 1.5 -> 0.5 


Hunter [Mount: Stonehorn] 

  • Missile Damage Resistance %: 20 -> 25 
  • Enemy Size for Allowing Splash Attacks: medium -> large 
  • Building Damage Multiplier %: 1.5 -> 0.5 


  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1350 -> 1150 


  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 250 -> 200 
  • Upkeep Cost: 63 -> 50 


  • Damages Buildings: False -> True 
  • Building Damage Multiplier %: 1.5 -> 1.75 

Ogre Bulls 

  • Upkeep Cost: 137 -> 138 


  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1500 -> 1400 
  • Upkeep Cost: 375 -> 350 

Stonehorn, Stonehorn (Harpoon Launcher) 

  • Missile Damage Resistance %: 20 -> 25 
  • Enemy Size for Allowing Splash Attacks: medium -> large 

Powder-Guts (Maneaters - Ogre Pistols) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1950 -> 1800 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1950 -> 1800 
  • Upkeep Cost: 488 -> 450 

Boglars of the Mad Marshes (Gnoblars) 

  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 550 -> 600 
  • Upkeep Cost: 138 -> 150 

Warhammer_Release_Notes_Header_Tomb_Kings.pngTOMB KINGS

 Arkhan the Black [Mount: Skeletal Steed] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1080 -> 1100 

Arkhan the Black [Mount: Skeleton Chariot] 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1260 -> 1200 

The Sphinx of Usekph (Necrosphinx) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2350 -> 2450 
  • Melee Attack: 61 -> 59 

Crypt Ghouls (Arkhan) 

  • Base Weapon Damage: 44 -> 40 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 5 -> 10 


 The Changeling 

  • Base Recruitment Cost (MP): 400 -> 0
    The Changeling paid a premium for his versatility, adding an extra cost on top of the full cost of his transformation target. This was initially put in place due to concerns about unforeseen interactions causing volatile emergent combos, which could make him unbalanced. In practice, however, his versatility has proven to be relatively unproblematic, so we're removing these restrictions. 

Exalted Lord of Change (Metal) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1900 

Exalted Lord of Change (Tzeentch) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1900 

Burning Chariot of Tzeentch 

  • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 9 -> 12 

Warhammer_Release_Notes_Header_Vampire_Counts.pngVAMPIRE COUNTS

 Grave Guard (Halberds) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 975 -> 900 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 975 -> 900 
  • Upkeep Cost: 244 -> 225 

The Feasters in the Dusk (Crypt Ghouls) 

  • Hit Points: 7560 -> 8280 
  • Armour: 10 -> 30 
  • Base Weapon Damage: 36 -> 32 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 4 -> 8 

Crypt Ghouls 

  • Base Weapon Damage: 36 -> 32 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 4 -> 8  

Warhammer_Release_Notes_Header_Warriors_of_Chaos.pngWARRIORS OF CHAOS


Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons) 

  • Melee Attack: 36 -> 38 

Chosen (Great Weapons) 

  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1450 -> 1350 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1450 -> 1350 
  • Upkeep Cost: 363 -> 338 

Warhammer_Release_Notes_Header_Wood_Elves.pngWOOD ELVES


  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1900 -> 2000 
  • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1900 -> 2000 
  • Upkeep Cost: 475 -> 500 
  • Additional Hit Points: 10820 -> 10320 
  • Melee Defence: 56 -> 52 


  • Additional Hit Points: 10820 -> 10320 
  • Melee Attack: 72 -> 65 
  • Melee Defence: 42 -> 52 

Wildwood Rangers 

  • Bonus vs. Infantry: 14 -> 10 




Curse of the Ancient Witch 

  • Phase Stats: 
    • Value: -48 -> -50 


The Burning Head 

  • Number of Uses: 3 -> 1 
  • Recharge Time (Seconds): 37 -> 90 
  • Initial Recharge Time (Seconds): 37 -> 0 


Flock of Doom 

  • Active Time (Seconds): 7 -> 6 


Flock of Doom Upgraded 

  • Active Time (Seconds): 14 -> 13 
  • Target Intercept Range: 300 -> 200 


Melkoth’s Mystifying Miasma 

  • Active Time (Seconds): 14 -> 13 


Melkoth’s Mystifying Miasma Upgraded 

  • Active Time (Seconds): 14 -> 13 



  • Duration (Seconds): 1 -> 0.5 
  • Expansion Speed (Per Second): 14 -> 28 
  • Movement Speed: 24 -> 50 


‘Eadbutt Upgraded 

  • Duration (Seconds): 1 -> 0.5 
  • Expansion Speed (Per Second): 14 -> 28 
  • Movement Speed: 24 -> 50 


Gaze of Mork 

  • The Gaze of Mork has been reworked to establish its own identity, separate from Vindictive Glare. Instead of firing a spray of projectiles, it now launches a single projectile in the form of a pair of eye bolts.
  • This spell is now comparable to a common rarity variant of The Amber Spear, trading armour-piercing power for a significant cost reduction, while still maintaining enough raw damage to obliterate even armoured infantry.


Army Abilities 

Ogre Army Ability Rework

Ogre Kingdoms now gain army ability points passively for each enemy entity killed by a charging unit, aligning better with their heavy-hitting charge playstyle. Previously, points were earned from routing enemies, which felt too niche and lacked flexibility. 

Ogre Army abilities  


  • Number of Uses: 3 -> 1 
  • Active Time (Seconds): 28 -> 20 


  • Number of Uses: -1 -> 3 
  • Recharge Time (Seconds): 60 -> 120 

Unit Abilities 

Spirit of Gork (or Mork) 

  • Weapon Damage %: 0 → 5 
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: %: 0 → 5 

Mark of Yin 

  • Missile Block Chance %: -24 -> -25 

Frostwyvern’s Toil 

  • Missile Block Chance %: 48 -> 50 

Witness Me! 

  • Damage Resistance vs All %: 40 -> 20 

Gorger Onslaught 

  • Recharge Time (Seconds): -1 -> 60 

Meat Feast 

  • Active Time (Seconds): 18 -> 27 
  • Number of Effected Friendly Units: 1 -> -1 
  • Hip Point Change Frequency (Seconds): 1 -> 2 
  • Heal Amount %: 0.02 -> 0.03 
  • Fatigue Modifier %: -0.25 -> -0.03 


  • Active Time (Seconds): 23 -> 14 
  • Recharge Time (Seconds): 120 -> 60 
  • Effect Range: 55 -> 0 
  • Number of Effected Enemy Units: -1 -> 1 
  • Direct Damage Amount: 0 -> 3 
  • Hip Point Change Frequency (Seconds): 0 -> 1 
  • Max Affected Entities per Damage or Heal Frequency: 0 -> 25 
  • Removed Stat Modifier(s) 
  • Speed 
  • Charge Bonus 


  • Active Time (Seconds): 26 -> 17 
  • Recharge Time (Seconds): 120 -> 90 Phase Stats: 
  • Effect Duration: 26 -> 17 
  • Melee Attack: 0 → 24 
  • Weapon Damage %: 20 -> 25 

Adaptive Tactics 

  • Melee Defence: 24 -> 10 
  • Melee Attack: 24 -> 5 

Warpaint of Wurrzag 

  • Effect Range: 35 -> 55 
  • Physical Resistance %: 5 -> 10 

Marked by Ulthar 

  • Missile Block Chance %: -24 -> -25 

Opportunist Murderer 

  • Melee Attack: 12 -> 10 

Item Abilities 

Charmed Shield 

  • Missile Block Chance % 24 -> 25 

Building Abilities 

Monument (Chaos Dwarfs) 

  • Missile Block Chance %: 24 -> 25

Phew, kudos if you made it all the way down here! As always, if you run into any issues after updating to 6.0.0 tomorrow, be sure to report them over in our dedicated bug reporting area, where our hard-working QA teams can continue to investigate and feed them through.

See you on the battlefield!

—The Total War Team



  • Khorngors
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 725
    • Melee Attack: 20 -> 18
    • Melee Defence: 28 -> 26


  • Mangler Squigs
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1000 -> 950
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 238
    • Additional Hit Points: 1700 -> 1530
    • Melee Defence: 30 -> 22
    • Base Weapon Damage: 70 -> 36
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 150 -> 84
  • Snagla Grobspit
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 650 -> 750
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 650 -> 0
  • Arachnarok Spider (Flinger)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1900 -> 1950
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1900 -> 1950
    • Upkeep Cost: 475 -> 488
  • Colossal Squig
    • Additional Hit Points: 8234 -> 8646
    • Melee Attack: 50 -> 52
  • Da Acid Burpa (Colossal Squig)
    • Additional Hit Points: 8234 -> 8646
    • Melee Attack: 61 -> 64


  • Arbaal the Undefeated
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1250
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1250
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 312
  • Arbaal the Undefeated [Mount: Flesh Hound]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1650
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1650
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 412
  • Scyla Anfingrimm
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1300
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1000 -> 0
    • Base Weapon Damage: 285 -> 265
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 265 -> 285
  • Skulltaker
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1300 -> 1100
    • Upkeep Cost: 325 -> 275
  • Skulltaker [Mount: Blood Throne]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1800 -> 1600
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1800 -> 1600
    • Upkeep Cost: 450 -> 400
  • Skulltaker [Mount: Juggernaut - Kuhl'tyran]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1650 -> 1500
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1650 -> 1500
    • Upkeep Cost: 412 -> 375
  • Khorngors
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 725
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 700 -> 725
    • Upkeep Cost: 175 -> 181
    • Melee Attack: 20 -> 18
    • Melee Defence: 28 -> 26
  • Skullreapers
    • Additional Hit Points: 136 -> 150
    • Melee Attack: 50 -> 54
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 8 -> 10
  • Wrathmongers
    • Additional Hit Points: 292 -> 307
    • Melee Defence: 48 -> 50
    • Added attribute - Immune to Flanking
  • Bloodwake Berserkers (Wrathmongers)
    • Additional Hit Points: 292 -> 307
    • Melee Defence: 59 -> 61
    • Added attribute - Immune to Flanking
  • Bloodbeasts of Khorne
    • Additional Hit Points: 476 -> 508
    • Melee Defence: 25 -> 28
    • Base Weapon Damage: 70 -> 65
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 65 -> 75
  • Slaughterbrute
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 2000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2100 -> 2000
    • Upkeep Cost: 550 -> 500
    • Additional Hit Points: 9268 -> 9880
    • Melee Defence: 40 -> 45
    • Base Weapon Damage: 245 -> 240
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 305 -> 360
  • Hellforged Bellowers (Skullcannon)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1600
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1400 -> 1600
    • Upkeep Cost: 350 -> 400

Ogre Kingdoms

  • Bragg the Gutsman
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1250 -> 1200
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1350 -> 0
  • Bruiser
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 950 -> 900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1350 -> 900
    • Upkeep Cost: 200 -> 225
  • Golgfag Maneater
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1350 -> 1250
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1350 -> 1250
    • Upkeep Cost: 343 -> 312
  • Eshin Maneater
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1250
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1900 -> 1250
    • Upkeep Cost: 475 -> 312
  • Pigback Riders
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 375 -> 400
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 375 -> 400
    • Upkeep Cost: 63 -> 100
  • Piggyback Knights (Pigback Riders)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 500 -> 550
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 500 -> 550
    • Upkeep Cost: 80 -> 138
  • Blood Vultures
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 450 -> 500
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 450 -> 500
    • Upkeep Cost: 113 -> 125
  • Thundertusk
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2250 -> 2300
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2250 -> 2300
    • Upkeep Cost: 480 -> 575
    • Melee Attack: 54 -> 44
    • Melee Defence: 32 -> 30
    • Charge Bonus: 60 -> 50
  • Stonehorn
    • Melee Attack: 40 -> 44
    • Melee Defence: 28 -> 32
  • Stonehorn (Harpoon Launcher)
    • Melee Attack: 40 -> 44
    • Melee Defence: 28 -> 32
  • The Snowhorn of Mourn (Stonehorn)
    • Melee Attack: 50 -> 54
    • Melee Defence: 36 -> 41


  • Force of Total Destruction
    • Radius: 10 -> 8
    • Damage: 81 (59:22) -> 36 (12:24)
  • Squig Thinkin
    • Num uses: 2 -> 1
    • Summon duration: 150s -> 120s
  • Inventory of Hatchlings
    • Rarity: Uncommon -> Rare
    • Cost: 150 -> 200
  • Blow Apart
    • Radius: 10 -> 12
    • Damage: 17 (6:11) -> 30 (10:20)
  • Blood Tally
    • Ability intensity no longer degrades
  • Dead Eye
    • Num uses: 3 -> Infinite
  • Everyone Has Their Price
    • Rarity: Uncommon -> Rare
    • Added Rampage
    • Duration: 35s -> 15s


If you experience any issues after downloading the update, please take a moment to Verify the integrity of the game files first to ensure there were no issues when downloading. A step-by-step guide can be found in this article.

If the issues persist, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.


Please note that user-generated mods may have compatibility issues with new game updates. If you are encountering performance or stability issues following a release, is recommended that you disable any mods you're running. If you continue to experience issues, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.

Looking for the complete release notes for Patch 6.0.0? CLICK HERE!