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Hey folks,

We're releasing another Hotfix today to address a couple of emergent issues:

  • Resolved a potential crash that could occur at the end of a turn after updating to 5.2.5.
  • Removed references to older, unreleased content from our game files.

EDIT: This Hotfix is now available for Microsoft Store owners. We apologise for the unique delay on this one.

Update: We're anticipating this update to be live at a later time for Microsoft Store owners, and will keep you updated on this post once the update is live.


The act of removing these references in today's Hotfix will also require us to revise our active cache of rollback builds, which will temporarily remove the option to roll back to an earlier release. With this release, the available rollback builds will be set to 0, and today’s build will go on to serve as the oldest rollback version as we release new updates to the game over the coming months.

We apologise to all our players who currently make regular use of our rollback releases, we know how beneficial this feature has become for many of you, and the responsibility for that falls entirely on us.

As mentioned during the launch of version 5.2, we aim to maintain one rollback build for each category: update, patch, hotfix, and release, for a total of 4 rollback builds. This supports players running heavily modified campaigns, helping to minimize delays while their mods are updated. Each subsequent build following today’s 5.2.6 Hotfix will remain available as a rollback option until we have one build in each category - 4 in total - at which point the oldest will be replaced by a newer one.


As always, thank you all for your feedback and bug reports. If you experience any new bugs or issues after updating to 5.2.6 please be sure to report them over in our dedicated sub-forum.

See you on the battlefield!

The Total War Team


If you experience any issues after downloading the update, please take a moment to Verify the integrity of the game files first to ensure there were no issues when downloading. A step-by-step guide can be found in this article. If the issues persist, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.


Please note that user-generated mods may have compatibility issues with new game updates. If you are encountering performance or stability issues following a release, is recommended that you disable any mods you're running. If you continue to experience issues, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.