

2 months ago Dec 06,2024, 14:59:18 PM

Omens of Destruction: Introducing Arbaal the Undefeated

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Greetings, Total War community!

Welcome to our next instalment of the Omens of Destruction blog series.

He’s the ultimate Chaos Warrior, one of the most ferocious of Khorne’s mortal servants who has sent untold thousands of skulls to the Brass Citadel with the blade of his axe. Undefeated for millennia, the Destroyer of Khorne is coming to WARHAMMER III in a storm of fury and destruction.





Arbaal stands as one of Khorne’s most loyal champions, wielding the formidable one-handed axe known as the Destroyer - a reward for his steadfast devotion. This honor is reserved only for those who have earned great acclaim and favour under the Blood God’s fierce, watchful gaze.

However, with such favour also comes Khorne’s strictest judgment; should Arbaal ever falter, he would lose the Blood God’s blessing entirely, becoming as insignificant among Daemonic aberrations as he was once triumphant—and perhaps even worse. After long decades of battlefield supremacy, this fate remains unthinkable, both for Arbaal and for his enemies, who find themselves at a loss for any means to bring him down.


Driven to prove himself and retain Khorne's favour, Arbaal relentlessly seeks out battles that test his strength—not only against famed champions but in any clash that promises glory. To him, facing monstrous beasts or thousands of enemies is as fulfilling as dueling a single powerful warrior, for each is a chance to honor the Blood God through carnage on a grand scale.




Arbaal the Undefeated is a cursed champion bound to respond to the Challenges of Khorne. To accept these challenges, Arbaal can instantly transport himself to the worthiest battles, gaining Khorne's Favour and Blessings in return to support his warmongering endeavors.

Using the Challenges of Khorne map, Arbaal can choose from battles of varying difficulty—Worthy Battles, Perfect Challenges, and Ultimate Bloodbaths, which he may travel to and complete.

Winning battles earns Khorne's Favour, which are used to activate powerful effects called ‘Khorne's Blessings’ within the Challenges of Khorne mechanic. This can be spent on instantly travelling to challengers for Arbaal to fight as well as battles.

Khorne's Blessings remain in effect until they are toggled off, costing a set amount of Khorne's Favour each turn they are in effect.

Any of Arbaal's armies can complete the challenges found within the mechanic, but only Arbaal can use the map to instantly travel to these battles and to his capital.


Arbaal's battle playstyle focuses on quantity over quality; while most lords might struggle when overwhelmed by numbers, he thrives when facing greater odds. He is the champion to throw into situations where others would falter. He possesses the following abilities that enhance his effectiveness on the battlefield:

  • ‘Thirst for Challenge’: A passive ability that enhances his weapon strength and melee attack based on the number of enemies nearby.
  • ‘Gaze of Khorne’: An explosion centered on him that deals significant damage and disrupts enemy formations in the vicinity.
  • ‘Eye of Khorne’: An active ability that inflicts massive damage on an enemy unit, killing it and transforming it into a Chaos Spawn of Khorne.
  • ‘Destroyer of Khorne’: His powerful weapon, which buffs his weapon strength, attack, and charge bonus based on the number of enemies he has killed.


Next week, we’ll return with the final faction-focused blog for Total War: WARHAMMER III – Omens of Destruction, highlighting Gorbad Ironclaw and the upcoming changes to the Orcs & Goblins. Stay tuned!

We’re excited to share what’s coming and can’t wait to hear your feedback on the content.

See you on the battlefield! 

—The Total War Team

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:03:52 PM

O good, another teleporting LL. It's like CA can't think of any interesting ways to have players engage with mechanics if they actually have to find a way to them.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:08:00 PM

I'm glad you haven't completely forgotten about Gorbad and the greenskin update... because looking at some of the info released so far, we're getting worried...

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:09:43 PM

No Ind start and he's another Chaos faction shoved into the Wastes...


At least the unique campaign mechanics look fun. I would like to see the map expanded and for him to be moved to a more unique start in the future though.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:10:47 PM
Teleportation was always a bad mechanic, negating plenty of the core aspects of a grand strategy game ... CA instead of reducing the power creep is just making it worse... while not even bothering to take on massive changes like the siege rework. Such a shame.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:12:34 PM


Cool, but after teleporting he can stay there or he will be automatically set back to his original position like in a quest battle?


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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:13:15 PM

Wait, that's it? Isn't something missing from the blog, like what happens if he ever suffers defeat? Because not a single consequence was mentioned. Is there any sort of ingame mechanic that punishes him for a defeat? Such as turning him into a Chaos Spawn for 8 turns (for 8 is the number of Khorne) ? I know he is FLC but come on, some sort of negative consequence feature better be there...

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:15:20 PM

Waveshaper#1949 wrote:

Wait, that's it? Isn't something missing from the blog, like what happens if he ever suffers defeat? Because not a single consequence was mentioned. Is there any sort of ingame mechanic that punishes him for a defeat? Such as turning him into a Chaos Spawn for 8 turns (for 8 is the number of Khorne) ?

Unless his campaign is permanently in iron man with automatic autosaves Soulsborne style, any mechanic based on losing would be meaningless because any player would just reload.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:21:59 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Waveshaper#1949 wrote:

Wait, that's it? Isn't something missing from the blog, like what happens if he ever suffers defeat? Because not a single consequence was mentioned. Is there any sort of ingame mechanic that punishes him for a defeat? Such as turning him into a Chaos Spawn for 8 turns (for 8 is the number of Khorne) ?

Unless his campaign is permanently in iron man with automatic autosaves Soulsborne style, any mechanic based on losing would be meaningless because any player would just reload.

You get a pop up with a choice

Become Arbaall the defeated and get -30 relationship with all khorne faction 

Or End campaign.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:30:12 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

O good, another teleporting LL. It's like CA can't think of any interesting ways to have players engage with mechanics if they actually have to find a way to them.

I will not engage mechanics who ask to travel in the other side of the map regulary. Teleporting is a fair option for lord who have to handle that amount of traveling.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:38:10 PM

Leping#7906 wrote:

I will not engage mechanics who ask to travel in the other side of the map regulary. Teleporting is a fair option for lord who have to handle that amount of traveling.

OK, automatic campaign win button when? If you start with this sort of argument I ask why you even want to play a strategy game.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:46:51 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

O good, another teleporting LL. It's like CA can't think of any interesting ways to have players engage with mechanics if they actually have to find a way to them.

Oh no the free stuff isn't premium-level content!

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:48:16 PM

Marchetti1592#2147 wrote:
Oh no the free stuff isn't premium-level content!

So what no, free content can be crap because it's free? Is that really the sort of defense you want to run with, chum?

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:50:02 PM

I am completely disappointed with the teleport mechanic! Why is another lord with a teleport needed?? Are people so stupid that they cant plan moves so now we have to jump from one place to another every turn? Is this a strategy game or pokemon?

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:52:39 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Marchetti1592#2147 wrote:
Oh no the free stuff isn't premium-level content!

So what no, free content can be crap because it's free? Is that really the sort of defense you want to run with, chum?

I haven't played it yet so I don't know if its crap or not but generally I don't expect the free stuff to be groundbreaking.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:55:42 PM

CA please fix the campaign ai. A built in Ironman mode doesn't mean much if the player isn't threatened by the AI at any point after 40 turns.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 4:07:29 PM

Waveshaper#1949 wrote:

Wait, that's it? Isn't something missing from the blog, like what happens if he ever suffers defeat? Because not a single consequence was mentioned. Is there any sort of ingame mechanic that punishes him for a defeat? Such as turning him into a Chaos Spawn for 8 turns (for 8 is the number of Khorne) ? I know he is FLC but come on, some sort of negative consequence feature better be there...

I absolutely agree with Waveshaper.  Those Chaos gods are fickle and their should be a price for Arbaal in some form if he fails - Khorne should turn his back on him, even if only temporarily.  That's something I think we don't see enough of in this game - there's supposed to always be a cost with Chaos (and magic as well) in this setting.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 4:28:09 PM

CA-Pingu#2295 wrote:
He’s the ultimate Chaos Warrior

Oh, if only he could be played as one. From now on every time I start Archaon's campaign, Arbaal will be right there, teasing me.

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2 months ago
Dec 6, 2024, 4:31:35 PM

Waveshaper#1949 wrote:

Wait, that's it? Isn't something missing from the blog, like what happens if he ever suffers defeat? Because not a single consequence was mentioned. Is there any sort of ingame mechanic that punishes him for a defeat? Such as turning him into a Chaos Spawn for 8 turns (for 8 is the number of Khorne) ? I know he is FLC but come on, some sort of negative consequence feature better be there...

Nothing special tbh, only -30 diplomacy penalty with Khorne factions. They should have made it a little more rigorous, like also movement point reduction by 20% or something like that.

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