Habiru should be playable faction someday?

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a month ago
Jan 12, 2025, 11:45:18 AM

 Habiru should be someday playable without mods cause many players prefers to play in vanilla version game. Habiru have interesting history and military aspects. My advice to creators is this: When celebrating an event in the series, make a big promotion for the TW Pharoah game and release Habiru as Flc. This could provide a chance to attract many new players. This game needs numbers in different aspects. If the player base increased, perhaps some large DLC would be realistic. This game is unfairly underrated when the Dynasties Update gave it a decent size. Of course on the begining this game had small scale and diversity of cultures compared to high price on that time. 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 13, 2025, 12:29:37 PM

https://steamcommunity.com/app/2951630/discussions/0/591758483838364592/ Something in this subject. 

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a month ago
Jan 15, 2025, 5:21:29 PM

Game isn't even getting bug fixed for it's broken co-op (check steam reviews) or crashes, and the Sofia team is churning out chaff dlcs for WH.

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18 days ago
Jan 31, 2025, 3:35:51 AM

CA stopped supporting Pharaoh Dynasty without completely fixing the bugs, and it seems unlikely they'll touch it unless pharaohs is re-released other platforms. 

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18 days ago
Feb 1, 2025, 12:30:37 AM

If I were the creators now, I would make a big promotion on Steam for the game at the right time. With this occasion also i would add a large patch eliminating bugs, balance fixes + playable Habiru, Knossos and added Dardania from Troy - should make a lot of noise among players. This way the game would make some money and regain some trust.

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17 days ago
Feb 1, 2025, 5:15:12 PM

True. I suggest to add new city - Abydos for Dardania with Aeneas as leader. Also Knossos should be playable. 

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15 days ago
Feb 3, 2025, 10:58:01 PM

Dardania? Hmmm some people something more - Amazons faction. There's 14 main factions and 25 minor so together 39. 40th final faction if they did'nt change they plans could be Habiru or Knossos or maybe both.  Pity that we probably never see bigger scale in this game. Actual size of map and number of faction should be starting point. Then should come map expansions and new campaigns Dlc's. Bad CA made big mistake selling Saga size title in price of normal big title. Without that players base would be much bigger if game would have big scale.

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14 days ago
Feb 4, 2025, 3:33:31 AM

Why should Dardania be its own faction? Pharaoh isn't trying to portray the Iliad.

At this point, I don't believe that a new faction would move the needle for Pharaoh. I just want CA to fix multiplayer co-op campaigns. I'm really jaded by how I logged a half dozen support tickets (with game logs and everything) with both CA and Sega on this issue and nothing was done except "we'll forward this case to our development team." The level of indifference from the part of the devs really makes me wary about purchasing future Total War games.

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